The Auction

Read The Auction for Free Online

Book: Read The Auction for Free Online
Authors: Claire Thompson
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, BDSM, Erotic Romance, ds
would have arrived with all their emotional baggage and expectations, not to mention who knew what diseases. No, much better to buy what he wanted and get just exactly what he paid for, and nothing more. There was no pretext or pretense. He would enjoy the process of claiming Carly’s body and mind, but he had no interest whatsoever in her heart.
    The setup was ideal and well worth the money he’d spent. For the month he had this girl in his power, he would use her in ways he might not dare with a lover. He would take her to the very limits of her tolerance, testing her and pushing her, without having to worry or care what she thought of him. He had carte blanche, short of drawing blood, which held no interest for him anyway. He could give free rein to all his darkest, dirtiest fantasies, and she would take it, all of it, or forfeit the money that was undoubtedly her sole motivation for being there. When the month was over, he’d send her on her way.
    Neat. Clean. Simple.
    The clock began to chime the midnight hour. Carly stirred and nuzzled against Adam’s chest. After a moment her deep, slow breathing resumed. Adam shook her shoulder gently. “Hey. Wake up.”
    Carly lifted her head suddenly, her eyes flying open. “Oh!” As he let her go, she rolled from his lap to the carpet and knelt, her head touching the ground. “I’m sorry, Sir! I’m very sorry. I don’t know what happened. I didn’t mean to—”
    “Enough.” Adam stood, stepping away from her. “I don’t like whining or excuses. And stop speaking when you haven’t been spoken to. Obviously your memory isn’t too good. You’ve already forgotten the rules. Tomorrow I’ll have you write them down until you know them by heart, and if you forget again, your punishment will be severe. Do I make myself clear?”
    She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Yes, Sir,” she breathed. “I—yes, Sir.”
    “Good.” Adam turned on his heel and headed for the stairs. “Come on. It’s time for bed.” He turned back, watching her approach him. Again he had her go first down the stairs, keeping his hand on her shoulder to guide her. Her ass was still bright red and he knew it had to hurt. He noticed the two small dimples indenting the flesh just over her cheeks and was charmed in spite of himself.
    At the bottom of the stairs he took the lead, moving toward his bedroom. Once inside, he turned to her. “Do you need to pee?”
    “Yes, Sir.”
    Adam pointed toward the master bath and Carly went into it. He followed her, watching as she sat on the toilet. He could see by the blush moving over her skin and the way she averted her eyes that she was embarrassed to pee in front of him, which amused him. This girl blushed so easily, it was almost hard to believe she was a paid professional.
    When she was done, he allowed her to wash her hands and face. “Are you hungry?” he asked. She shook her head. He showed her the toothbrush he had bought for her and let her brush her teeth. When she was done, he said, “Pull back my bedding and then wait for me on the floor beside the bed. Kneel up, knees spread, back arched, arms behind your head.”
    Adam used the toilet and washed up, watching her in the mirror as he did so. She was kneeling as instructed. Her profile was to him, the curve of her pretty breasts lifted by her position. Her nipples jutted out, as if begging for clamps. Her arms were lean and muscular. He wondered how long she could keep a position like that, with her fingers laced behind her neck, her back arched. She was tired, he knew that. What better time to test both her endurance and her obedience?
    Adam returned to the bedroom and took off his clothing, loosely folding them on the brass clothing rack he kept for the purpose. Naked, he sat down on the bed. “Turn to face me. Stay in that position.” He watched as Carly shifted. She had her eyes down and was again worrying her lower lip. Adam said nothing, though he would correct that first thing

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