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    Michael J. Crowe, The Extraterrestrial Life Debate, 1750-1900, CUP, 1986
    Andrew Cunningham and Nicholas Jardine, Romanticism and the Sciences, CUP, 1990
    Erasmus Darwin, The Botanic Garden, A Philosophical Poem with Notes, 1791
    Hermione de Almeida, Romantic Medicine and John Keats, OUP, 1991
    Adrian Desmond, The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine and Reform in Radical London, Chicago UP, 1989
    Patricia Fara, Pandora’s Breeches: Women, Science and Power in the Age of Enlightenment, Pimlico, 2004
    Penelope Fitzgerald, The Blue Flower (a novel), HarperCollins, 1995
    Tim Fulford (editor), Romanticism and Science, 1773-1833, a 5-vol anthology, Pickering, 2002
    Tim Fulford and Peter Kitson (editors), Romanticism and Colonialism: Writing and Empire, 1780-1830, CUP, 1998
    Tim Fulford, Debbie Lee and Peter Kitson, Literature, Science and Exploration in the Romantic Era, CUP, 2004
    John Gascoigne, Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment, CUP, 1994
    James Gleick, Isaac Newton, Pantheon Books, 2003
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Scientific Studies (edited by Douglas Miller), Suhrkamp edition of Goethe’s Works, vol 12, New York, 1988
    Jan Golinski, Science as Public Culture: Chemistry and Enlightenment in Britain 1760-1820, CUP, 1992
    Richard Hamblyn, The Invention of Clouds, Picador, 2001
    Peter Harman and Simon Mitron, Cambridge Scientific Minds, CUP, 2002
    John Herschel, On the Study of Natural Philosophy, 1832
    J.E. Hodgson, History of Aeronautics in Great Britain, OUP, 1924
    Penelope Hughes-Hallett, The Immortal Dinner, Penguin, 2001
    Desmond King-Hele, Erasmus Darwin and the Romantic Poets, Macmillan, 1986
    David Knight, Science in the Romantic Era (essays), Ashgate, 1998
    David Knight, Science and Spirituality, Routledge, 2003
    Trevor H. Levere, Poetry Realized in Nature: Coleridge and Early Nineteenth-Century Science, CUP, 1981
    Alan Moorehead, The Fatal Impact: An Account of the Invasion of the South Pacific, 1767-1840, Hamish Hamilton, 1966, 1987
    Alfred Noyes, The Torchbearers: An Epic Poem, 1937
    William St Clair, The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period, OUP, 2004
    James A. Secord, Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, Chicago UP, 2000
    Jenny Uglow, The Lunar Men: The Friends who Made the Future, 1730-1810, Faber, 2002
    Jenny Uglow and Francis Spufford, Cultural Babbage: Technology, Time and Invention, Faber, 1996
    Joseph Banks
    Joseph Banks, The Endeavour Ms Journal 1768-77, University of New South Wales, Australia, internet copy
    The Endeavour Journal of Sir Joseph Banks, edited by J.C. Beaglehole, Public Library of New South Wales, 1962
    The Selected Letters of Sir Joseph Banks 1768-1820, edited by Neil Chambers, Imperial College Press, Natural History Museum and Royal Society, The Banks Project, 2000
    The Scientific Correspondence of Sir Joseph Banks 1765-1820, edited by Neil Chambers, 6 vols, Pickering & Chatto Ltd, 2007
    Hector Cameron, Sir Joseph Banks, 1952
    Sir Harold Carter, Sir Joseph Banks 1743-1820, British Museum, Natural History, 1988
    Vanessa Collingridge, Captain Cook, Ebury, 2003
    Journals of Captain Cook, edited by J.C. Beaglehole, 3 vols, CUP, 1955-74; Penguin Classics, edited by Philip Edwards, 1999
    William Cowper, The Task, Book One, 1785
    Patricia Fara, Joseph Banks: Sex, Botany and Empire, Pimlico, 2004
    John Gascoigne, Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment, CUP, 1994
    Jocelyn Hackforth-Jones, ‘Mai’, illustrated essay in Between Two Worlds, National Portrait Galley catalogue, 2007
    John Hawkesworth, Voyages Undertaken in the Southern Hemisphere, 1773
    Eva Lack, Die Abenteuers des Sir Joseph Banks (with rare illustrations of fish, plants and Harriet Blosset), Vienna and Cologne, 1985
    James Lee, Introduction to Botany, with a Preface by Robert Thornton MD, 1785, 1810
    E.H. McCormick, Omai, OUP, 1978
    Richard Mabey, Gilbert White, Century, 1986
    Alan Moorehead, The Fatal Impact,

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