The Afflicted: A Zombie Novel

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Book: Read The Afflicted: A Zombie Novel for Free Online
Authors: Russ Watts
Tags: Zombies
Evan, not much like her mother.
    “So,” sa id Karyn, ignoring her children, “have we enough petrol to get back home? I’m not wasting any more time in here. It’s cold and it stinks. I need to feed the children and there’s a lot to do. Mr Crow, do you know how to fly a plane?”
    “ Er, no, I...” Evan was stopped mid-sentence as Karyn interrupted him.
    “Didn’t t hink so, somehow,” came the patronising response. At no point did she break eye contact with Joe. She waved her hands dismissively.
    “Well, Joe, bring the car around, I’d like you to take us home now. You can find you own way home now , Mr Crow, I’m sure.” She gathered up her handbag and sat down expectantly, looking at Joe who let out an exasperated sigh.
    “Mrs Craven, I’ll go check on the car, but I am not going out there alone. You saw what it was like yesterday. You lose me, and you don’t have a driver no more.”
    She was not used to being talked back to, certainly not b y her employees.
    “Now look here.” She started rais ing her voice, asserting her authority. She had gotten used to the power struggle between her and Joe over the years, but with Pete gone, it seemed different now.
    “Mrs Craven, Karyn, I can go with Joe. I can help. If you can perhaps just give me a ride out to the city with you, I can find my own way from there.” Evan didn’t know how on earth he was going to find his way to Tasmania, but sitting around here wasn’t helping any.
    “I’m not leaving Evan on his own. There’s no way we’re leaving anyone behind.” It was Joe’s turn to fold his arms. Karyn quietly seemed to think it over for a minute. She had never bothered learning to drive. There had always been someone to do it for her, like most things.
    “Fine. I’ve decided you can come with us, Mr Crow. If you two can actually make yourselves useful and get the car, we’ll be on our way. Sometime today would be nice?”
    Evan and Joe headed for the door , pleased to be leaving Karyn behind. Under his breath, Joe said, “Thanks, mate.”
    Standing by the door, Evan paused. He needed to talk to Joe for a minute.
    “ Never mind the battle-axe, Joe, I’m more worried about going back out there. I don’t know what we’re going to find out there so let’s be careful, eh? Those things I saw yesterday didn’t seem like they were going to give up and go away. There could be none, or there could be a thousand of them waiting outside.
    “Look, w hen we get out of here, maybe you can drop me near the airport terminal. If it’s clear, I can probably find a car I can use. I’ve got to get to my family. That boat I told you about yesterday? Well it’s on Tasmania. That’s where I’ve got to get to. My son, Charlie, I’m sure he’s there with my father and my daughter, Anna. At least I think so.”
    “Sure. Evan, if it’s no good, just sit tight with us. If we can make it to the house, I’ll see you right. Don’t worry about her. With Pete not here to back her up, she’s all mouth. Look, I can drop her and the kids off and then take you down to the harbour. Maybe it won’t be so bad. You can take a boat and be with them by tomorrow. I’d come with you, but I can’t leave George and Lucy. Not now.”
    Joe was optimistic . Evan felt determined but didn’t have Joe’s confidence. He felt like a rabbit in the headlights, not knowing which way to turn.
    “Right, let’s see what the damage is,” said Evan , opening the door carefully. It squeaked slightly, but they heard no other noise outside.
    Joe slipped out of the door first and glanced around. It was dark and gloomy. A blanket of fog had covered the airport like a shroud. He spotted a few bodies sprinkled over the tarmac, but none was moving. He cleared his throat softly, hoping the noise might stir any into life whilst they still had time to run back inside the hangar. Nothing moved. He trod softly toward the car and discreetly motioned for Evan to follow him.
    Evan slunk out of

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