The Afflicted: A Zombie Novel

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Book: Read The Afflicted: A Zombie Novel for Free Online
Authors: Russ Watts
Tags: Zombies
unlucky enough to be in their way. Dan said that Sammy took it and just got back up! Evan, you’re not supposed to get back up when you’ve a chest full of lead.
    “Next thing I know , there’s a load of banging and stuff in the background and he’s telling me that Sammy’s back in the house. Last thing I heard before we got cut off, Dan said he’d barricaded himself in his bedroom and Sammy, full of bullet-holes remember, is banging on the door, trying to get in. What is that about? I’ve never heard Dan sound that scared in my whole life.”
    Joe watched Evan taking it all in. “I need a drink.”
    “ Me too, mate. Look in that box over there; I think there might be some water left. You find anything stronger, let me know,” said Joe.
    Evan found a solitary , dusty, bottle and brought it back to share with Joe. Evan realised that his headache was only going to get worse as Joe went on, and he gently rubbed the bruising on his face.
    “ Well, two seconds later, and there’s this banging on the car window and it’s Mrs Craven, back in my face, telling me I need to go get Pete, now. He was working in the city. I didn’t really fancy going out there, but he’s not like her, he treats you right. He was more than a boss; he stood by me in the past when I had a bit of trouble, so I couldn’t just leave him. I figured I could get there and back fine, I’m pretty good behind the wheel. So off I go again, errand number two.” Joe stopped abruptly. The jet’s door swung open and its steps cascaded down onto the floor with an echoing clang. A pair of feet shuffled forward and appeared in the doorway.
    * * * *
    “What’s that light?” grumbled Karyn, as she woke. A small but bright glint of sunlight was striped across her face. Her son, George, was wide-awake, lying in the doorway of the jet, tapping away with obvious concentration on something.
    “I’m just writing my diary , Mum.” George was absorbed and had opened the door to let some light in. He didn’t turn to look at his mother when he spoke.
    “George, for God’ s sake, that diary is pointless. If you want to be doing something, you should be studying. Just put it down.”
    George indignantl y turned off his iPad, shoved it into his back pocket, and sullenly walked down the steps into the hangar. His sister, Lucy, stirred from her slumber and Karyn watched her follow him. Both children trotted over to Joe, and Karyn went to the small on-board bathroom, clapping her cheeks awake. She turned the tap on and nothing came out.
    “ Cheap bastard,” she muttered.
    She straightened herself out, brushing down her suit, flattening her unkempt hair. Looking in the mirror, she admired herself. A widower at twenty-nine but still, she looked good. Sure, Pete not being around would be a pain, but he was well insured. They had made sure their wills were set up. Karyn smiled. Soon she’d be able to get all the things he had denied her. Like a decent fuck for starters. The jet needed a makeover and she’d be able to afford a proper nanny now. Joe had his uses, but she had no doubt as to where his allegiances lay.
    “I suppose I will have to take charge of the situation, as usual.” She strode out of the bathroom purposefully, out of the jet, heels clacking loudly in the hangar, and headed toward Joe and Evan.
    “George, Lucy, stop pestering Joe , please.”
    “It’s al l right, Mrs Craven, they weren’t bothering us,” he said, defensively.
    She crossed her arms and spoke directly to Joe, ignoring Evan completely.
    “So what have you managed to sort out so far, Joe ? Have you called the authorities? What’s it looking like outside now?”
    “Phone s are down, Mrs Craven, no signal at all. Don’t suppose you can get internet on that thing can you, George?”
    “Nah.” George and Lucy were sitting on the floor playing a game on his iPad.
    “Nah, it’s broke,” said Lucy. At five, she was a few years younger than her brother. She was cute, thought

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