Tess Awakening
sighed and took a sip of wine. “Tess,
obviously you are not a student of history. No matter what
atrocities are committed in war, only a few in roles of leadership
actually pay for their crimes. Only a fraction of people at the
very top was ever called to account. After the Second World War,
the Nazis that were hanged were so few that it made a mockery of
the millions they murdered. Many of the Nazi hierarchy, including
the vicious people of the SS and Gestapo were jailed and eventually
released. The Allies just could not hang them all. In Japan, they
left the Emperor alone and only hanged General Yamashita and a few
officers, whose guilt was questionable; most of the ruthless
Samurai hierarchy that engineered countless massacres got away with
murder. It will be the same here in Iraq.”
    “My grandfather was very shrewd. He realized
that for the family to survive and prosper, it needs to get close
enough to a regime to be useful, but not close enough to be
identified with it. He understood the ephemeral nature of power and
taught me well. I manage to be important to the regime, but not too
    He sipped some wine. “Besides, the
circumstances of this conflict are unusual. I am sure you
understand that the Americans and the British are naively trying to
win the minds if not the hearts of the Iraqis and the rest of the
Arab world. They cannot afford the spectacle of humiliating and
punishing countless Arab leaders, no matter what they have done.
After all, you are not conquering, you are supposedly ‘liberating’
Iraq. Things will be back to normal very quickly; politicians will
continue doing what they have always done, and the rest of us will
go back to our business.” Tess reluctantly had to admit to herself
that the man might have a point.
    The door opened, and a servant announced in
Arabic that dinner was served. Amir rose and offered his hand.
“Shall we?” Tess allowed the General to hold the dining chair as
she sat. Taking his place at the table, Amir apologized for the
spare victuals presented on the table. “The war has created
shortages,” he explained.
    Actually, to Tess it looked like a feast. The
General took a few minutes to point at several dishes and explain
what they were. A veritable symphony of Middle Eastern delicacies:
lamb, chicken, couscous, various grains mixed with several kinds of
rice and vegetables. Tess felt hunger gnaw at her stomach, and
under different circumstances would have lunged at the food in the
best G.I. tradition. She immediately thought of her men, probably
still rotting in that dirty hole of a prison and felt guilty.
    “General, are my men being fed?”
    Amir became irritated. “They are being taken
care of! Now, eat something before you lose any more weight!” Sure,
she thought — he wants me nice and plump, like Gretel in the fairy
    They started to eat, a deafening silence
standing between them like a concrete barrier. After a few bites
Amir asked: “Tess, would you stay with me? I would give up all
others for you.” Tess swallowed, took a sip of water and shook her
head slightly.
    “No, General, I will not. I am not looking
for a romantic attachment and we have already discussed the other
issues. I would prefer to work together to take care of my men. If
you help me, I am sure that my commanders would be grateful for
your cooperation, and would take that into account when the
reconstruction of your country begins. We do understand that the
regime probably ordered you and others to do questionable things.
You must know that the Coalition forces are approaching and that
your troops don’t stand a chance. You can surrender for their sake,
and I will be there to make sure that you are treated well.”
    Amir again waived his hand in a dismissive
manner. “You are asking me to commit treason by not fighting a
foreign invader on Iraqi soil. My soldiers will die if that is
their only choice!”
    Tess made a last ditch attempt at reason.

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