Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage
just a moment, he felt a sad sense of loss at her insistence that he remove the suit . It was so much more than simply a suit—it was truly an extension of him. As it smoothed against his skin, it became one with him. He had not removed it since he arrived on Lacertilius II a month earlier and really didn’t want to now.
    The experience of jerking off two massive cocks had been phenomenal and something he quickly got used to the first night in his cell. He’d taken advantage of every opportunity since then. Just the sensation of the upper shaft—located between where his human navel would be and his pelvic bone—as it rubbed against the lower when he walked was enough to send him on a hasty search for a secluded closet. He felt certain the muscles in both arms had grown from the near constant double masturbation. The idea of double penetrating the queen tonight had his cocks standing at full staff since the moment he’d walked naked into her chamber.
    Zandria spun to glare at him. “Why have you not obeyed?”
    He couldn’t tell her how much he wanted to take her from within the suit, not after she had made it so clear that she wanted him stripped bare. Instead, he stated another simple truth, “I don’t know how to remove it, my queen.”
    “Are you telling me that you have not removed the suit since your arrival? Not even once?”
    “No. I was told that it was for my protection, that I would not be able to breathe your atmosphere as easily without it. I thought it best that I keep it on.”
    “You cell is fitted with special filters as is this chamber while you are here. You would be perfectly safe within its walls to free yourself from the confines of the suit. Or is there another reason for your reluctance to remove it?”
    “In all honesty, Zandria, I must admit that I rather enjoy the way it feels.”
    “Yes, I can see that you do.” Her beautiful emerald eyes glistened as she watched his twin shafts pulsate in the air between them. “Have you also enjoyed making private use of these wonderfully ready shafts? I have not heard any talk of you making use of any of the females on board the palace.”
    A slight twinge of guilt washed through him as he realized everyone must know of his constant state of arousal. “None of the other females interests me as you do, Your Majesty. When I wrap my fists around the gift of these dual cocks, it is your channel I fantasize about. It is your slickness I want to lubricate my deep thrusts, your muscles I desperately want to feel squeeze me, your body I need beneath me.”
    “Then you understand perfectly how I feel.” She pressed against his side.
    His left arm sandwiched between their hot bodies. Her breasts melded against his tensed bicep. With the slightest twist of his wrist, his fingers could easily find the moist treasure he so desperately craved. Nevertheless, he remained motionless. He knew the guards were close at hand, watching his every move—even if he couldn’t see them. If he tried to force his will upon their queen, they would undoubtedly swarm him in a flash.
    She slid her soft chartreuse hand down his abdomen and grasped the top cock.
    The room suddenly seemed to become a vacuum as he struggled to gasp at the blissfully gentle touch.
    “I understand your need, Captain. I promise that the time will come when I will make every one of your wildest fantasies come true. You will know how to make very good use of both these magnificent cocks. But for now, I will have my wish.”
    Her hand released him to slide up his torso. She paused over the shiny, dark green oval at the base of his throat. “This is the control. All it takes is a simple press, the lightest touch. Hardly any pressure at all.”
    Her soft fingertip pressed the oval gently as she stepped back.
    Simultaneously, the tips of his fingers and toes as well as the crown of his head tingled hotly. Within seconds, the reptilian skin-cover slithered, twisted and folded back onto itself toward

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