Terra Dawning
threw me; I mean who could these people be that they didn't speak standard?
    “A lot of the equipment they were using wasn't familiar to me, but what was seemed really old or functioned in an odd manner. What they told me about who they were was impossible for me to believe. I mean how could they have been here all along and no one have discovered them?
    “I've seen the cryo units. The medical AI confirmed that the information stored in this AI matched what I'd been told. However, it also said that while the Base AI was of an old design, it was far more powerful than any other AI currently functioning.
    “I've seen their maps of this world from their time. Every discovery we've made matches the location of one of their cities or large communities. However, there are quite a few that have yet to be discovered. I was a prospector up until you shot me down, so I know what I'm talking about here. These people are part of the original inhabitants of this planet,”” Addson finished.
    Elrond nodded. “I believe you. But what I'm wondering is, if this is our world, why hasn't any proof of it been discovered in the ruins?”
    “Aye and there's the rub. Evidence o' plenty was left, tah be sure. So then becomes the question of who does the lookin'?” Carlyle asked.
    “All of the dig teams work for the Duke. They have to; it's his world, which means that everything on it is his,” Addson replied. “Not such a big surprise there. If it were proven that Earth was the home world of the Human race, he would lose a very profitable planet, millions of slaves, as well as the only habitable planet in this sector."
    “Okay, so I think it’s safe to assume then, at least for the time being, that the Duke is the main bad guy here,” Ben said. ““Now the questions are why, and what's his next move?”
    “The Duke has made no secret of his dislike for humans,” Deirdre said. “He thinks we're nothing more than a food source. You said that this Ranger team was led by a human, right?”” She asked looking at Elrond.
    He nodded. “Yes and he was very specific in his instructions, should we have to kill her.”
    “So, what are the chances that something very embarrassing to the Duke happened between them?” Deirdre asked.
    “I just don't know,” Elrond replied. “It's possible. That would certainly explain his instructions and the speed he wanted them carried out.””
    “So, is his ego and hatred for us enough for him to justify endangering his over-all plan?” Deirdre asked.
    “Yeah, it is. If a human embarrassed him, he would stop at nothing to destroy that person as publicly as possible. It might be possible that he realized this and has ordered us to ignore his last orders, but I doubt it. He's rather blind when it comes to humans,” Elrond added.
    “Tis then most probable that his plan is to attack the Hyclarion Emperor and the rest of this is just a bit of fun thrown in to appease his bruised ego. Must we then follow the belief that he needs be tah get rid of yon Rangers in such a way as to justify the arrival of 'new' troops to this planet,” Carlyle said. “What force would he need to make such an attack successful?”
    Ben shrugged. “We have no way to know how well defended the Capitol is, nor do we know exactly how many troops and warships the Duke can use.”
    “Aye, but we have to assume that both are a great many. Friend Addson told us what the lizard’s Marines are like. How many and of what type. More importantly, how many of each are already here on the planet, or even in this system,”” Carlyle said.
    “I'm just playing devil’s advocate here, but what can we actually do about it? What do we really know about the Hyclarion? Are we sure we want to help them?” Jorga asked.
    “I don't think we have much choice about helping them. The alternative is letting the Duke make his attempt. Besides, if we can either stop the Duke or disrupt his attempt, I think we would gain some serious good will

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