Tempting The Bear: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Gray Bears Book 4)

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Book: Read Tempting The Bear: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Gray Bears Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Natalie Kristen
demanding, “Where's my good little great-grandcub?”
    “ Jeremy's not such a
good little great-grandcub today. He made me run all over the park.
My legs are killing me now,” Gramma grumbled as Ne-ma picked
Jeremy up and rubbed noses with him.
    “ Are you hungry? You
must be starving, my little darling. Shifting is hard work. I'll
get you a nice, hot meal.” Ne-ma ignored Gramma and ambled off
with Jeremy on her shoulder. “And it's such a windy day
    “ Hey, I'm starving too,”
Gramma groused, hurrying after them.
    Harper poked her head through
the kitchen door and saw Gramma and Ne-ma at the kitchen counter,
chattering non-stop as they prepared sandwiches together. They
sneaked bits of ham and sausage to Jeremy when they thought the other
wasn't looking.
    Jeremy pounced on the ham like
the hungry cat he was. He still refused to shift back to human form.
He was enjoying his freedom and mobility too much.
    Harper smiled and went to
start on her other chores around the inn. There was still so much
cleaning and vacuuming to do.


    Jackson finished reading “The
Very Hungry Caterpillar” and peered down at the sleeping baby.
He pulled the baby blanket up over Jeremy's tummy and stroked his
chubby cheek. Jeremy was growing so fast. At six weeks, he was an
active, sturdy baby, and his lion had emerged. Winston was a
wonderful godfather. Jackson had always liked the Sheriff, but now
his respect for the man grew tenfold.
    As Jackson was putting away
the book, Harper came in to kiss her son goodnight. They had just
moved Jeremy to his own little nursery. Gramma, Ne-ma and Elle had
worked their magic once again, and this time they got it right. The
animals frolicking across the walls and ceiling had the right colors
and patterns on their coats. They had even painted the words
“Jeremy's Room” in bright, cheerful colors across the
    To Jackson's surprise, Harper
hadn't asked for an extra bed in Jeremy's room. Instead, she'd
bought a baby monitor and placed it in the room. She was going to
continue sleeping in his room, in his bed, with him.
    Having her so near every night
was both bliss and torture for him. He didn't want to hurt her or
frighten her. But his hunger for her was driving him out of his
    He wanted to take her and
claim her, mark her as his.
    Harper whispered to her son
and kissed his forehead. Jeremy was a happy, lively baby but he
usually slept through the night. He was such a joy to be around and
Jackson couldn't imagine not having the little boy in his life.
    Flicking off the light, they
left the room quietly and pulled the door shut. Smiling, Harper took
his hand and tugged him to their bedroom. She locked the door and
came to him.
    “ Jackson,” she
whispered, sliding her arms around his neck. “I want you.
    He inhaled sharply, his
burning gaze never leaving her face.
    “ Harper...”
    “ We have been sleeping
together, but not really sleeping together,” she said. “I
know you think I'm not ready. But I am. I'm ready. I don't want to
hold back anymore. Not with you.”
    Jackson held his breath as she
moved her hands up his arms and traced her fingers over his chest.
Very slowly, she unbuttoned his shirt and pushed his shirt over his
shoulders. She licked her lips as she stared at his tanned, ripped
    Jackson captured her face with
both hands and growled, “Harper...I want you...I don't think I
can hold back...”
    “ Then don't,” she
    Her eyes fluttered shut as
Jackson's mouth closed over hers. He kissed her and stripped her at
the same time. He couldn't wait any longer. His claws sliced her
blouse and bra to shreds. She gasped as he tore her skirt and
panties from her hips and tumbled her onto the bed.
    Jackson kissed down her soft,
smooth body. She was so tiny, but her breasts were full and heavy.
She was still breastfeeding Jeremy, and Jackson saw a drop of milk
ooze from her nipple.
    Gently, he licked the drop

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