Tempting The Bear: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Gray Bears Book 4)

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Book: Read Tempting The Bear: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Gray Bears Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Natalie Kristen
I'll call Alisa and let her know
she can come in for the dinner shift.”
    Harper finished up her
breakfast as Ne-ma spoke to Alisa over the phone. She could hear
Alisa protesting that she felt well enough to work the lunch shift
but Ne-ma was adamant. “Morning sickness can last throughout
the day. I want you to have sufficient rest so you and Tristan can
have a cute, chubby little cub.”
    With that, Ne-ma won the
argument. Alisa wouldn't jeopardize her pregnancy. She was about
four weeks pregnant now, and the whole family was thrilled to bits at
the news. “Another great-grandcub!” Gramma and Ne-ma had
hollered proudly.
    Alisa felt dizzy and threw up
a lot in the mornings, so Gramma and Ne-ma insisted that she stay
home till the afternoon. They checked on her frequently and would
drive to her house to bring her soup and warm, nourishing meals.
    Harper helped out in
Broomstick Inn in the morning and afternoon until Alisa came in.
Gramma and Ne-ma would take turns to babysit Jeremy while she worked
at the inn. They loved spending time with the little boy and they
sometimes quibbled over whose turn it was to babysit Jeremy.
    Jeremy wasn't at home this
morning though. Gramma had called to tell Harper that Winston had
dropped by and they were taking Jeremy to the park. Winston Knight
was the Sheriff of Shadow Point, and a lion shifter. Aidan had
introduced Harper to his boss, and Harper found Winston to be a very
responsible, respectable gentleman. She had asked him if he would be
willing to be Jeremy's godfather, and Winston had said yes
    Harper went out and wiped down
all the tables. She arranged the cutlery and made sure the place
looked neat and welcoming. The guests at the inn were friendly, and
the restaurant usually had quite a sizable crowd of walk-in customers
as well. The construction crew of Gray's Domain usually came for
lunch, and Harper found herself smiling at the thought that she would
see Jackson during lunchtime.
    “ Hello! We're here!”
Gramma called out as she barreled through the door.
    “ Gramma, let me take
your coat.” Harper hurried to her. She turned and grinned at
Winston as he came through the door. “Hello Winston!”
    “ Hi Harper. Say hi to
your Mom, Jeremy,” Winston said to the lion cub perched on his
    Harper laughed when her son
gave a little growl. “You had fun with your Godpa, didn't
you?” The little cub leaped into her arms and licked her
    “ He's a fast learner,”
Winston said, rubbing Jeremy's head. “He can shift back and
forth now, but I think he prefers to be in his lion form. All cubs
do. He's six weeks old now, but as a human baby, he can't even crawl
around. But in lion form, he can strut and run and even climb. He's
an intrepid little explorer!”
    “ We had to chase him all
over the park,” Gramma huffed. “He wouldn't come when I
called him. He only goes to his Godpa!”
    “ Can I get you a cup of
coffee?” Harper asked Winston.
    “ Thanks, but I have to
get back to the station. I took the day off, but one of my deputies
just called me. It's nothing major, but I feel better if I pop in
and have a look.”
    As Winston headed for the
door, Jeremy jumped out of her arms and ran after Winston. He clawed
at Winston's trousers and snarled.
    Winston crouched and ruffled
Jeremy's golden fur. “Hey, buddy, I have to go now. But I'll
see you this weekend, okay. You stay with your mom and
great-grandmas, and be a good lion. You take good care of the ladies
now.” Jeremy made a soft mewing sound as his godfather winked
at him and left.
    “ He's really close to
his Godpa,” Gramma remarked. “But I think he likes
Jackson more.”
    Harper chuckled. “Yes!
He likes Jackson best. He only wants Jackson to tuck him in at
night. Jackson's been reading to him and he won't fall asleep unless
he hears Jackson's voice.”
    “ Ah, my grandson, now a
papa bear himself,” Gramma sighed happily.
    Ne-ma came bustling out of the

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