Tempting Miss Allender (Regency Rakes 3)
    “I do,” she replied to Lucy as they followed the butler down the hallway.
    “Who is that?”
    Patience followed Charles’ finger upwards to where the portrait of an austere-looking gentleman was gazing down at them.
    “He was Lord Belmont, before the one you met the other day, Charles.”
    “Mathew?” He looked at Patience and she nodded her reply, instead of saying what she instinctively wanted to: Please call him Lord Belmont.
    They came to another room at the end of the hall. The butler opened the double doors, and they preceded him through.
    She just had time to brace herself as a very pregnant Lady Kelkirk hurried towards her. Throwing her arms wide, she embraced Patience.
    “Lady Kelkirk.” Patience held her gently, feeling a rush of tenderness for the woman. Only a few years Patience’s junior, Claire had been so full of life, loud, funny, and loving. Patience had spent hours with Claire draped over her lap as she read her stories when she was a small child.
    “Will you not call me Claire, or are you too angry with me to do so?”
    Claire held Patience by the shoulders as she looked at her. Her brown eyes were clear, her skin soft and smooth, and she was still as beautiful as Patience remembered, even in the advanced stages of pregnancy—in fact, possibly more so. The woman positively glowed.
    “Don’t be silly, Claire. There is nothing you need forgiveness for.”
    “We did not acknowledge your parents’ deaths, and were not there to support you when you needed us, as you did for us after Anthony passed,” Claire said. “But that is about to change, as now our families are together once more.”
    “It really is wonderful to see you,” Patience said, hugging her old friend again. She had not realized until now just how much she had missed her.
    Claire took her hands as she looked from Patience to Lucy. “And you have both become so beautiful.”
    “And pregnancy agrees with you, Claire. You are blooming.”
    “Patience, my dear girl, can you forgive me?” Lady Belmont stepped forward as Claire released Patience, and once again she was clasped in a firm hug.
    “Please, Lady Belmont, there is nothing to forgive. You were also grieving.” Patience inhaled the woman’s scent and remembered her mother. She felt the sting of tears as the warm arms held her closer. Her mother had hugged just like this, and she had not allowed herself to remember, but now it all came back to her in a wash of emotion.
    “My dear, if only I could take a step backward in time, and not put your letter to one side, where I pushed it from my head. It was wrong of me, Patience, and my dear friend deserved more from me. She deserved that I mourn her and be there for her children when she could not. I fear my own grief robbed me of rational thought.”
    “Please.” Patience fought back tears as she eased out of the woman’s arms. “There really is no need for you to feel that way. We were well supported,” she lied. “All that matters is that now we are here and I wish to catch up on all your news.”
    A hand cupped her cheek softly as Lady Belmont looked at her. “You were always such a sweet-natured girl.”
    “Charles,” Patience said, waving her brother close. “Come and greet Lady Belmont, please.”
    Her brother and sister were hugged and kissed also, and as likenesses were drawn between Charles and his father, Patience felt herself relax. Mathew was not here, and she could spend time with these two wonderful women, whom she had once cared for very much.
    “Come, everyone, sit and we shall take tea.” Lady Belmont urged everyone into seats, and then rang the bell.
    Patience let the memories come and go as they discussed the past and the future in the sunny parlor. Around them sunlight dappled the silk-covered walls and bounced off polished furniture, and she felt at peace in the company of her old friends.
    “And what of names, Claire? Have you settled on any?” Lucy

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