Tempt Me Tonight

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Book: Read Tempt Me Tonight for Free Online
Authors: Toni Blake
Tags: Erótica, Chick lit, Romance, Contemporary, Adult
ultimate way he could conquer her. Even if conquering was the last thing on his mind, she would still feel that way. She couldn’t let him make her feel so conquered again.
    She pressed her palms to his chest, an attempt to put a little distance between them. “For your information, I’ve already been shown
I’m not eighteen anymore.”
So there. I’ve had sex. With lots of other guys. Well, some. But either way, you ceased being the center of my sexual universe a very long time ago.
    Yet her attempt at separating them had failed woefully because their hips remained glued together and their bodies still moved slowly to the music. And his voice was little more than a growl when he said, “I could show you more.”
    Oh my.
    She believed him. Completely. And the juncture of her thighs tingled madly.
Welcome back to my sexual universe.
She’d never in her life indulged in a one-night-stand, but if Joe were a stranger, tonight she would’ve—the animal attraction was that potent.
    Only he
a stranger.
You have to remember that. This is Joe.
Joe. The first-love, cheating, heartbreaking jerk Joe.
And she simply couldn’t let him have his way with her
It would only add insult to that long-ago injury. “No thanks,” she said, trying to sound far cooler than she felt.
    Above her, he let out a thwarted sigh, even as his erection settled deeper against her. “How long are you in town?”
    She sucked in her breath. He was so hard. Then she bit her lip. And kept dancing. Moving with him,
him. “I’m not exactly sure. A week or so.”
    “Let me see you again.”
    Oh God. “No.”
    “Why not?”
    She sighed, exasperated…tempted. “I don’t have to give you a reason.”
    “No,” he said slowly, “but the way you’re dancing with me makes me think it doesn’t have anything to do with not wanting to be near me.”
    His words weakened her even more. He could see through her. And despite herself, she kind of wanted to let him see
of her.
    Except—she couldn’t, she just couldn’t. “This can’t go any further.”
    His voice came low and persuasive. “I don’t know why not. We still have every ounce of chemistry we ever had.”
    Part of her wanted to just tell him the truth—
You can’t have me because you hurt me once, and you don’t deserve me. And after all we shared back then, I refuse to be simply another notch added to your bedpost, one more instance where you do whatever feels good without caring who gets hurt.
    But she’d told him she was over that, and she was. She didn’t want to start bringing emotions into this. She liked letting him see the confident, assured woman she’d grown into, and she wasn’t going to let him take that away. And she was going to start hiding the lusty part of herself better, too.
    “You’re right,” she finally admitted. “We have chemistry, always did. But going to bed with you is the last thing I came home for. And I hear you show a
of women what I missed, so if you need it tonight, I suggest you get it someplace else.”
    Wow, she’d sounded good saying all that. Now she only had to grab her purse and leave and this would be over. No more fudge, and once it was no longer right in front of her, she’d be glad she’d resisted.
    So, breaking free from the dance, she snatched her bag and turned to go. But she hadn’t counted on him blocking her way—a solid wall of heat and sexuality. She lifted her gaze from his broad chest to his determined expression.
    “You still think I’m a rotten guy.”
    “No, actually, I don’t. But that has nothing to do with sex.”
    He spoke quietly enough that no one else could hear. “I want you so much right now I can barely breathe.”
    God, his words nearly made her
throat close up. She never could have imagined when she’d first seen him on that bar stool that something like this could happen—and so fast she’d barely had a chance to think. It would still be easy to give in.

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