Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets & Scandals From MTV's Most Controversial Shows

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Book: Read Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets & Scandals From MTV's Most Controversial Shows for Free Online
Authors: Ashley Majeski, Sean Daly
Tags: General Fiction
keep Farrah as sheltered as possible. [Michael] is laid-back, cool, collected, and rarely got angry. But when he got angry, it was bad. As kids we were really mischievous. We loved to push people's buttons. She would talk back to him or deliberately not do what he asked.”
    In her book, Farrah recounts the night in 2008 when Michael flew into a fit of rage and struck Derek after walking in on them having sex. As part of her punishment, Farrah was promptly shipped off to her grandparents' house for three weeks.
    Not long after, Farrah confided to Tyler at cheer camp that she had missed her period. “We were very…social, if you know what I mean,” he says. “Getting pregnant was always a risk but we didn't want to think about it.” When a trip to Planned Parenthood confirmed Farrah's worst suspicions, Tyler says he broke down in tears. “It changed my life. Life became completely different. We acted more mature. We dressed more grown-up. All the partying stopped. Before, we would drink, smoke, and do anything bad that we could.”

    Farrah kept the news from her parents until she could no longer hide her baby bump. “They were pretty pissed off, to put it lightly!” Ashley remembers. “But they soon got over it and accepted it.” Despite her pregnancy, Farrah continued modeling, working and going to school. She even managed to keep her place on the cheerleading squad.
    Farrah kept her decision to appear on MTV secret from even her closest friends. “She never told me she was doing it,” Tyler says. “One day I went over to her house to hang out and there were cameras following me. For the next nine months of my life I wore a microphone and had cameras on me at all times. They were in my house. They were at school. They were everywhere, and I wasn't even pregnant!”
    At school, he remembers, “People kept asking Farrah if she was on the news or something!” But by then, the rumor had begun to circulate that Farrah was pregnant. When the cameras arrived, it added more fuel to the rumor's fire, says Tyler. Once Farrah confirmed that she was, indeed, pregnant, things got too hard for her at school. In December 2008, she left high school and went to a local college to finish up her high school degree. During this time, she was also dodging Derek's constant calls. He was desperate to know if the rumors that she was pregnant with his baby were true.
    Two months before she gave birth to her daughter Sophia, on December 28, 2008, Derek was tragically killed in a car accident. Just after 1:00 AM, Derek lost control of his car, wrapping it around a utility pole and killing himself and his friend, Zachary Mendoza. Although alcohol was later determined not to be the cause of the crash, Zach's grief-stricken mother, Jackie, was still arrested in May 2009, after it was discovered that she had purchased a bottle of Skyy Vodka for the boys just hours before the crash.
    Farrah begged producers to keep Derek's death out of her episode of 16 and Pregnant , and even told them she was not attending his wake (although she ended up making a brief appearance). Debra, meanwhile, was looking for other ways to make the best of Farrah's situation. Two weeks before Sophia's birth, she insisted they host a baby shower for underprivileged moms-to-be. MTV cameras filmed the event, held at a homeless shelter in Omaha, but it was never broadcast.

    Amber's early years were marred by bouts of depression, cutting and pill popping - mostly brought on by her hot-tempered father's battle with booze.
    "When she was 15, before she met Gary, Amber was in such psychological pain from the turmoil in her family that she tried to hang herself from the shower curtain rod in her bathroom," biographer Rozzie Franco told The National Enquirer in 2011. "She actually wrapped a towel around her neck and tied it to the curtain rod, but it would not hold her weight.”
    In a bombshell interview with Franco - for a book

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