Teased (The VIP Room, #1)
began to dance seductively on the stage. How her mother could have
done this for years defied Vida’s imagination.
    Deep sadness engulfed her. She knew how, the
love a mother had for her child. Vida knew her mother had become
pregnant at fifteen and ran away from home to live with her
seventeen-year-old boyfriend. Her father had stayed until she was
six months old then took off, returning to his own parents’ loving
arms. He left Goldie behind; however, her mother’s parents were not
as understanding and no longer wanted to have anything to do with
her or their grandchild.
    Goldie, despite being so young, was smart
enough to manage to get child support, but it was barely enough to
keep a cheap roof over their heads and not enough for much else.
Uneducated with a small child, it took time for Goldie to get her
GED and once she had finally earned it, not many more jobs opened
up than before. She would manage to get waitressing or bar
positions, but they paid little and barely covered the bills.
    Vida hadn’t been a healthy child. The
low-income housing building was filthy and damp, setting off
allergies. In addition, she had a genetic gastric problem that
required her to have several surgeries, which forced her mother to
miss work. Fired from another job, Goldie had turned to stripping.
She could still remember the nights her mom would have a good night
and wake her up when she came home.
    They would go to the grocery store late at
night and fill the cart with groceries that they both knew would
have to last a while. The cute cereals and confections that other
kids took for granted were passed over for bread and peanut butter.
Vida remembered well the days where that was all she had to eat and
was aware that she didn’t eat much better as a college student.
    The change in music alerted Vida to the next
set where she would start to remove her red camisole. Teasingly
unfastening each button slowly, she moved closer to pervert row
before backing away, giving them the subliminal promise that she
would soon be theirs if they could merely catch her long enough.
When all the buttons where undone, the music rose, building to the
climax of her removing her top.
    Thankfully, the music that started her next
set was slower, allowing her to catch her breath. Moving towards
the men, she allowed them to stuff their money into the string that
circled her waist. Their fingers lingering as long as they thought
was possible before one of King’s men would make an appearance. It
lasted several minutes, the music spaced out to give her time to
work from one side of the stage to the other before she moved back
to the center stage, reaching down to pick up her top, giving the
men one last look at her shaking ass.
    Vida walked slowly off the stage to the
dwindling music and loud applause.
    “ Damn girl, you keep that up and King
will set you up as a feature dancer in his other clubs,” Sherri
remarked, waiting for her own music to start.
    “ You look great tonight, is that a new
outfit?” Vida ignored the comment about her working at other
    Sherri brushed her hand against the leather
chaps she wore and grinned. “Yep, I plan to make them have to run
to the bathroom to jerk off.”
    Vida simply shook her head, laughing. Sherri
was one of the few women who actually stripped because she loved
the attention. It made her feel like a star for the short time she
was on stage. She was a sweet, likeable woman that had taken the
time to actually try to get to know her and Vida couldn’t help
responding to her natural friendliness.
    “ Is King out front?” Vida
    “ I think so. I saw him there a few
minutes ago.”
    Sherri’s music queued. “Don’t break a leg,”
Vida warned her when she saw her outrageously high-heeled cowboy
    Sherri grinned at her as she moved toward
the stage.
    Vida went to the dressing room and put on
her robe. She brushed her hair back down until it lay flat; her
dancing had turned it into a

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