Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2)

Read Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Deanndra Hall
Tags: Drama, Erótica, Romance, Mystery, Erotic Romance
her up. This was different, and it made her afraid of me. I was afraid for her. So when she wanted to go, I didn’t argue.”
    “Oh, Vic, man, that’s bad. I’m so sorry.” Steve seemed genuinely sad for him.
    “She wasn’t the only one. I’d hurt two other girls before. But they only stuck around for the first time; they didn’t even give me another chance to fail. Carrie was different, and I failed her too. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. A therapist told me she thought it was the stuff I lived through before my mom and I came to live with Tony’s family.” Vic was having trouble looking Steve in the face. Nikki wanted to go to him and hug him tight, tell him it was okay, but he had to do it this way.
    “So how long ago was it that this happened last?” Steve asked.
    “Almost three years. I haven’t been with anyone since,” Vic answered. Nikki looked at Tony; it was killing both of them to have to hear the pain in his voice, all the loneliness and grief.
    “And I’m guessing you want to know if you can join the club with this issue?” Steve asked straight up.
    “No.” Vic straightened and looked at Steve. “You know more about this stuff than the three of us combined.” Tony chuckled, and Vic added, “Well, maybe with the exception of Nikki.” She giggled. “What I want to know is this: Do you think that training to become a Dom could help me find the self-control and discipline to overcome this, this, whatever it is? What do you think?”
    “First of all . . . Nikki?” Steve stared at her, and she blushed and giggled again. “Good information to have.” He looked back at Vic. “Second, do you have any idea what this would entail? What kind of process this would be? Because let me tell you, I’m picky about this shit.”
    “That’s why you’re here. I’ve been in a lot of clubs that were cesspools, but I saw how you run that club. It’s spotless and safe, and I have a lot of admiration for that, a lot of respect for someone who can do that. I need some input and guidance. But if it’s just impossible, let me know and I’ll drop it.” Vic’s shoulders fell, and Nikki had all she could take. She walked over, sat down on his knee, and hugged him, rubbing his shoulders. She could feel some of his tension fade, and she sat up, held his face in her hands, and kissed his forehead, then went over and sat back down in her chair. When she glanced at him again, he was smiling at her, a far more relaxed smile, and she smiled back.
    “Well, I can’t say I’ve ever dealt with anything like this. And I don’t know how it would work. But,” Steve said while the other three held their breath, “I’d be willing to work with you and find some other people to work with you too.” The look of relief that passed over Vic’s face was obvious, and Nikki and Tony both had to fight the urge to cheer.
    “So how do I start?”
    “Be at the club tonight at six. If I’m going to train you, you’re going to do what I say. I want you dressed in black tee, black leathers, and black boots. Leave your hair loose. You’re a big guy – what, six-six?”
    “Six-eight,” Vic answered.
    “Yeah. You’ve got to look super-hot or the women will be afraid of you. But that’s no challenge for you. In the meantime, I’m going to try to find a sub who’ll consent to work with you. Problem is, I’ll have to be honest with her, whoever she is, about what’s gone on with you, so it may be a little difficult to find someone. I’ll work on it. This is going to take a lot of commitment on your part. Sure you’re ready?”
    “Absolutely,” Vic said, sitting up perfectly straight. “I’m ready.”

    “Bye, honey. I’ll be sending positive energy your way.” Nikki hugged Vic and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
    He couldn’t stop himself; he grabbed her and hugged her to his chest. She felt so good, so right, in his arms, her warmth and softness calming him. “I love you, little girl. Thanks for

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