the high tech gadgetry that the military sent you boys home with?”
Gone was the teasing, instead it was the mind of the woman trained
to take safety into her own hands.
“ He’s already got six sniper perches set,” Victor commented,
stretching his arms over his head. “All the camera’s and
surveillance equipment is in place and the security room in the
house is wired to send up alerts at all hours in the areas we’re
not in. We turn off any section we’re working in just because if
you so much as breathe out here you’ll set off what he and Anton
put up. Hell, they had us testing it last night and I nearly
crapped my pants at least twice.”
“ Only twice?” James asked in dismay. “Dude, I had to burn my
undies and my jeans after last night. I really hate playing target
to that man’s sniper, fucking nearly gave me a heart attack at
least a dozen times.”
“ He was scary before the implant now he is,” Dieter paused
with a shudder and frowned. “He is like a ghost, there before you
even realize he’s there and in your face.”
Penny nodded. “And how are you guys doing with the implants?
From what I read about them they amp up your testosterone levels
and that should lead to a great deal more either fighting or
fucking.” She was blunt with them, no other way to be. “And since
Daisy has now moved out here I’m only going to guess what Gareth
and Mikhail are doing as well.” She gave a quick smile and then
added. “Good for them. Daisy deserves to be loved and she’s pined
for those boys for far too long.”
“ Well,” Anton grinned, sitting down with a sandwich and water.
“Let’s just say the ladies of Greensfield are always excited to see
us coming into town on the nights we don’t feel like hanging around
here. We are more lovers than fighters unless someone pisses us
off,” he chuckled.
“ So far it’s all under control,” Marius commented with a
shrug. “For some it’s been easier than with others. We’re managing
so far and when we aren’t we figure out a way to manage
“ I wasn’t asking because I’m your “handler” that’s utter
bullshit. You guys could easily circumvent me and we all know it. I
just wanted to make sure that you were all really okay. You boys
are growing on me.” She saw the grins and then just had to add.
“Much like a fungus.”
“ Oh that’s just cruel and unkind,” James groaned, pressing a
hand to his chest. “We’re much more loveable than fungus though I’m
pretty sure a couple of y’all have some growing on y’all somewhere.
Been meaning to discuss that with you,” he turned to
“ Don’t be looking at me Southern belle or I’ll send you right
back where you belong,” Anton snapped at him.
Penny shook her head and laughed. “Damn you boys are too
much.” Taking the shovel she said, “All right, point me where I
need to go and then you all can join me when you’ve finished
eating.” She had a bit of aggression to work out and even though
her arm wasn’t at a hundred percent, she needed this to take the
edge off of her pissy mood. Not at the men, but at the men behind
the scenes who thought to manipulate them all like fucking chess
pieces on a board.
“ I’ll show you where we’re working,” Marius said, grabbing a
second bottle of water. Leading the way he ducked under some
branches and pointed. “We’re moving between the markers Mik’s put
out. Goal is to have the break and then we go back and remove all
the brush on either side of it that’s dead. Anything young or still
in good health we’re leaving for the time being but will likely
move further out when we have the time.”
“ Sounds good. I will get to work then.” She looked to Marius
and decided to just say it. “I won’t spy on you guys. I want you to
know that. Yes I will be the go-between between you and the
military but I will not, and I repeat, will not spy on you.”
Because she could not and would not spy on people that
Po Bronson, Ashley Merryman