Tarnished Honor

Read Tarnished Honor for Free Online

Book: Read Tarnished Honor for Free Online
Authors: J. Lee Coulter
Listen to your mama. We rise early on the morrow for a sea voyage. Would ye like that?”
    Her mouth dropped open. “Truly, Da? Oh, I would like that ever so much!” She bounced over and lay a big wet kiss on his bristled cheek.
    Connall patted her back gently. “Good eve, then, lass. Ye will need your rest. I will be up soon.”
    “Good eve, Da.” She took Brighde’s hand as they went toward their chamber. She waved to the warriors shouting, “Good eve, everybody!” There were many smiles and good cheer as she reminded the men of what they had to look forward to when they reach their destination.
    Robbie sat down next to Connall. “She is a ray of su n shine after a long cold winter, that child. Ye are well blessed, my lord.”
    “Aye. She gladdens my heart very much.”
    * * *
    The short voyage to Wick was uneventful . After se t tling his family at the inn, he supervised the unloading of the horses and equipment. Connall was anxious to get home before the snow flies and they would still need to go ove r land for the next six days. Raising his head he smelled the cold air for any hint of snow. There was naught yet…but six days was a long time.
    “Do ye think the weather will hold?” Robbie brushed a brown lock of hair from his face. He worried for Brighde and Amy. It would not do for them to be caught in a storm.
    Blacksword shook his head. They were already ove r due for the first heavy snow. “If the good Lord be willing. We can only pray that it be so.” He faced Robbie, handing him a purse. “Replace the supplies that the men reli n quished to the villagers. They will need them for the last leg of our journey.”
    “Aye, Connall. I will see to it. Go now and spend some time with your bride. We can distract the wee lass for a time…if ye wish it.” He leered at him.
    His cock stirred at the suggestion. Smiling, he replied, “I just might take ye up on your offer, Robbie.” His captain slapped him on the back and walked off laughing.
    Brighde was uncommonly nervous this eve. She knew that her husband was healed enough to demand his rights. The thought sent heat in a rush through her veins. She d e sired him. There was no denying it. If only he had shown more integrity in acquiring her hand. Why had she been drugged? And who did it? Connall? She shook her head in confusion. From what she had learned of him, she had trouble believing it. But who else could it be?
    Her eyes darted to the door as his muscular frame filled the opening. E merald eyes smoldered with desire as he gazed at her sitting in the bed wearing a thin chemise. Her breasts rose and fell heavily as breathing became diff i cult. She clutched the covers tightly to her chest.
    “Where is Amy, my lord?” Her voice trembled.
    “She is playing warrior this eve and bunks with Robbie below.” Connall turned and bolted the door.
    “Oh.” She swallowed nervously, mesmerized as he r e vealed muscle and sinew with each piece of clothing he removed. When he had only his trews left to remove, her eyes fixed on the large bulge concealed there. Her mind raced back to their first time together. “Will it hurt again?”
    Connall paused mid-stride…his eyes softening. “Nay, wife. That only occurs the first time. This time will be all pleasure.”
    She glanced up to his face. “Is that why ye drugged me the first time? Because of the pain? Or was it because ye will nae be refused by anyone ?”
    Connall was stunned at the accusation. Brighde thought that he drugged her? His spine stiffened in outrage! She had the audacity to accuse him of being so base-born … that he had no honor at all? His eyes turned bla ck with fury.
    “I do nae need to use drugs to bed a woman!”
    “Ye did with me!” Her voice grew louder as her te m per flared. “I tasted it in my wine that eve!”
    “This is what ye believe of me? That I deceived ye into becoming my Countess? Ye think that I have nae integrity? Most ladies would be thrilled at the prospect…the t

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