Tantric Orgasm for Women
and expands, streaming orgasmically upward. Rather than being discharged or released from the body, the energy gathers within the system, generating vitality and creativity. Sex experienced in this way enhances and strengthens the life force: beneficial hormones released during sex are delivered to the
brain, nourishing the master pituitary and pineal glands situated there (as mentioned in the last chapter), with positive impact on good spirits, health, and longevity. Sex actually extends life.
    The energy of a peak orgasm tends to work in the opposite way. In the peak experience the energy moves downward and outward, in accordance with the requirements of procreation. The intensity of excitement is followed by a pleasurable discharge of energy that is released down and out of the body. Evidence of this discharge is the fact that frequently after ejaculation a man will suffer a distinct loss of energy. He may even feel angry, restless, or disconnected from his woman. Many women observe that they too lose great amounts of energy in orgasm, just like a man but without the release of semen. Suddenly the willingness to make love evaporates; they find themselves without energy or inclination to continue. As a result of the discharge in an orgasm, a woman can often feel abandoned, lonely, sad, or depressed.
    The peak orgasm is more or less experienced as a local genital experience because the sexual energy is not given the chance to expand, to touchother parts of the body. In fact it cannot expand because the very effort of achieving orgasm creates tension and thus a barrier to radiation of energy. The potentially beneficial energy is lost in release, rendering it unavailable for performing its natural healing and nourishing functions.
    Special techniques do exist for deliberately extending the peak type of orgasm into multiple orgasms. By synchronizing breath and movement and relaxation, it is possible to assist energy to move beyond the automatic barriers and create expanded energetic states. Reaching these states usually requires substantial skill and focused concentration; rarely, though, do extended peak orgasms arise from an original state of relaxation.

    Fig. 3.1. Biological or reproductive phase of sexual energy

    Fig. 3.2. Spiritual or generative phase of sexual energy

    Fig. 3.3. Complete sexual energy circle with redirected sexual energy spiraling through energy centers
    Opening to a New Approach
    To make the sexual experience more fulfilling, in general, a woman would do well to tend toward the orgasmic approach—orgasm as a sustained state of being in the sexual exchange—rather than simply seeking out the peak type of orgasm. This approach depends a lot on the willingness to trust relaxation and intrinsic feminine receptivity. Rather than trying to makesomething happen, you simply receive, and
and absorb energy into the core of the body through the vagina. It’s natural
once you get the hang of it. All the same elements of sex are present but the
composition is entirely different. What makes the greatest difference is the
attitude and awareness of a woman within herself, a woman’s willingness to tap
into her true feminine spirit. This requires a deeper understanding of her body and the courage to honor and express the feminine element residing within.
    Most women associate the clitoris with orgasm; however, the vagina is more centrally associated with orgasmic states. A rising understanding of this may lead a woman to reevaluate her clitoral experiences while exploring her orgasmic potential. (Chapters 6 and 7 are devoted to the vagina and the clitoris respectively.) Please be aware that when I suggest this alternative approach to orgasm my intention is to broaden the possibilities for satisfying sexual experience. It is
my intention to make you think in duality, to suggest that you make a
separation between peaks and valleys or doing and being. In reality one cannot
exist without the other, so any

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