Taming Jesse James

Read Taming Jesse James for Free Online

Book: Read Taming Jesse James for Free Online
Authors: RaeAnne Thayne
    In those expressive eyes he could see mortification and something deeper. Almost shame.
    She cleared her throat and shifted her gaze to the ground. “I’m so sorry.” Her voice was small, tight. “Did I hurt you?”
    â€œNope.” He tried to smile reassuringly, for all the good it did him, since she wouldn’t look at him. “I’ve run into much tougher customers than you.”
    â€œI don’t doubt that,” she murmured, a deep, old bitterness in her voice.
    Her hands still shook and he had to fight the urge to reach out and cover those slender, trembling fingers with his.
    She wouldn’t welcome the comfort right now. He knew she wouldn’t. And she’d probably jump right through the porch roof if he obeyed his other sudden, completely irrational impulse—to reach forward and press his mouth to that wildly fluttering pulse he could see beating quickly through an artery at the base of her throat.
    â€œYou want to tell me what that was all about?” he asked instead.
    She still refused to meet his gaze. “You just startled me, that’s all. I don’t like being startled.”
    Yeah, like a wild mustang doesn’t like rowels dug into his sides. Eyes narrowed, he watched her for several more seconds, then realized she wasn’t going to tell him anything more about the reason for her panic.
    â€œHow’s the leg?”
    â€œThe…the leg?”
    â€œThat’s what started this whole thing, remember? You turned to walk away from me and it must have given out. I tried to keep you from falling and you suddenly went off like a firecracker on the Fourth of July.”
    The blush spread even farther. “I’m sorry,” she whispered again. “Thank you for trying to help.”
    She reached out and used a chair for leverage to stand, then tested her weight gingerly. “It’s my knee, not my leg. It gives me trouble sometimes if I move too quickly.”
    Was that the reason for that slight, mysterious limp of hers? What had caused it? he wondered. An accident of some kind? The same accident that made her spirit seem so wounded, that put that wild panic in her green eyes when somebody touched her unexpectedly?
    He had a thousand questions, but he knew shewouldn’t answer any of them. “Sit down. Need me to call Doc Wallace and have him come take a look at it?”
    â€œNo. I’m fine. It should be all right in a few moments.”
    â€œCan I bring you something, then? A glass of water or juice or something? A pillow, maybe, to put that leg on?”
    She sat down and gave him an odd look, as if she didn’t know quite what to make of the Salt River police chief trying to play nurse. “No, I told you, I’m fine. It’s happened before. Usually, if I can just sit still for a few moments it will be all right.”
    After a moment he shrugged and sprawled into the wicker chair across from her. “In that case, you’re in no condition to kick me out, so I’ll just sit here with you until you’re back on your feet. Just to make sure you don’t need a doctor or anything.”
    â€œThat’s not necessary. I told you, I’ll be perfectly fine.”
    â€œHumor me. It’s my civic duty. Can’t leave a citizen of the good town of Salt River in her hour of need. Now, where were we?” Jesse scratched his cheek. “Oh, that’s right. I was telling you what happened at the mayor’s.”
    â€œYou mean you were telling me what didn’t happen,” she muttered. Her fiery color began to fade, he saw with satisfaction, until it just about matched those soft pink early climbing roses around her back porch that sent their heady aroma through the cool evening air.
    â€œWe covered that. What I didn’t have a chance to tell you is that I think you’re right. Something’s definitely going on with that kid.”
    Her green eyes widened.

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