Taken By The Highland Wolf (The Clan MacGregor Book 2)
to one day be wed were the only things that gave me strength enough to not fear the potential consequences of our actions. But we knew better than to flaunt our impropriety, even though the knowledge that we were not exactly chaste was probably the worst kept secret in all of Scotland. Though I knew it was cowardly of me, I did not want to risk learning how Camden would view me if he ever found out. It pained my heart to know that he would undoubtedly think less of me for it. The worst part was that I knew I wouldn't be able to blame him for it. Not one bit.
    The next day I took Camden with me on my trip into Fortingall. He had insisted on coming with me when I had stopped to look in on him that morning. His movements around the bedchamber had been sure-footed and didn't seem to cause him any pain, so I couldn't see the harm in his coming along. Alastair had always insisted that I take one of his men along with me when I went into the village anyway, and with Camden coming along I didn't have to worry about taking anyone away from their regular duties so that they could escort me.
    When we got to Iona's small house, Camden took the basket that I had packed for her with food from the kitchen at the keep. It would be nice to visit with both of them for a while.
    I knocked on Iona's door but there was no answer.
    "Maybe she's not home?" said Camden.
    "That would be strange. I come to visit almost every Tuesday afternoon. She would be expecting me."
    I knocked again and waited, but there was still no answer. Worry began to grow inside of me and I bit my lip as I considered what next to do.
    "Do you think we should test to see if the door is locked?" I asked him.
    Camden looked at me in surprise. "Don't ye think that's going a bit far? She's probably just stepped out. You're worrying yourself for nothing."
    We turned to head back to the horses but I paused after a few steps to look back at the house.
    "I'm sorry, Camden, I can't go yet. I have to know. She's elderly and lives all alone. What if she's fallen and needs help? I should at least look in, just on the off chance."
    He nodded to me and started back toward the house. "All right, then, if you're sure."
    "I am."
    I tested the door and it opened easily.
    "Iona?" I called, sticking my head through the doorway.
    "It doesn't look like there's anyone here, Glenna. Let's go," he said, looking around the room.
    "Not yet," I told him.
    I pushed the door open and walked inside the house. The front room and kitchen were completely empty so I walked toward the back of the small house, where Iona's sleeping quarters were.
    "Iona, are you home? It's Glenna." The door to her room was closed and I knocked on it softly. "Iona, are you in there? I'm coming in."
    I opened the door to see Iona lying on her bed with her eyes closed.
    "There, ye see?" said Camden from behind me. "She's sleeping. Now come away before ye wake her."
    I stood rooted to the spot as I looked at Iona. Something was wrong. She was lying on the bed on top of her bedclothes instead of under them, fully dressed and with her shoes on. I walked into the room and a cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck. Iona's chest was perfectly still, when it should have had the steady rise and fall of breath.
    I stood by her bedside and looked down at her. Her eyes were closed as if in sleep but her mouth was slightly ajar, with a tuft of fur protruding from between her lips.
    I let out a muffled cry and turned away, burying my face in the protection of Camden's chest.
    "My God," he said as he looked down at her. "Come away now, Glenna. Ye should not be here to see this. We must go at once."
    I shook my head, pressing myself closer to him, unable to stop the tears that were streaming down my face. Iona had been one of the few friends I had made since coming to Glen Lyon. Though old and all alone, she had been a wise woman with a strong heart with many years left in her. For that time to be snatched away from her in such a cruel

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