Swords of Waar

Read Swords of Waar for Free Online

Book: Read Swords of Waar for Free Online
Authors: Nathan Long
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction, adventure
surprised when it’s not there.
    I pushed up more gently this time, and got to my feet without falling over again. I was gonna have to go easy for a while, but it felt great to be so light again. I hadn’t known what I was missing before I left Earth, but bouncing around like I was some kind of red-haired jackalope had been the coolest thing ever, and the thing I’d missed most when I’d been sent back—except Lhan, I mean. He was kinda fun to bounce around with too.
    I bobbled over to the door like a Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade balloon on its tip-toes but couldn’t find a handle. It was just two plain white slabs that looked like they slid apart. I tried to get my fingers between ’em and pull, but they didn’t budge, and the effort made my ribs creak and twinge like I was being stuck with needles. I stepped back to breathe and massage my ribs, then looked around at the ATM thingy. Maybe that was how you opened the door.
    There was a red light blinking on it, and now that I was closer, I noticed the GOONG sound was coming from it too. Was it an alarm? Was it some kind of phone? Was there an incoming call? Was— My heart skipped as I realized that I was the incoming call. The thing was letting the natives know someone had come through the looking glass and was waiting on the doorstep.
    Just as I figured this out, I heard voices through the door. They were too muffled to catch any words, but they were coming closer. I looked around. There was no place to hide in the room, so I backed to the far wall, praying that the guys who lived in this airport weren’t as tall as their doors.
    The door whooshed open, and a bunch of bald-headed purple guys in orange and white robes looked in, crossbows and spears raised and ready. I stared, my heart thudding with relief. I almost ran up and kissed ’em! Those little creamsicles were Priests of the Seven, and it had been Priests of the Seven who had drugged me and sent me back to Earth, which meant I must be back on Waar, right? Or, shit, maybe not. What if these guys planet-hopped as much as I did? I could still be anywhere. I mean, from the looks of things, I could be on a space ship.
    It didn’t matter. Wherever I was, the priests would know how to get me to Waar. They might even know where Lhan was. Maybe they had him locked up right here! I’d just have to beat it out of them. But maybe not just now. There were five of ’em standing in that door, three with spears and two with crossbows, and I was buck naked and bleeding like a stuck pig. I didn’t wanna travel ten thousand light years from home just to end up dead on arrival.
    I stepped forward, smiling and raising my hands like I’d been cornered by the cops. “Hey, guys. No hard feelings right? I mean, thanks for the ride home, but—”
    They backed off, shouting. One of ’em fired his piece by accident, and the bolt pinged off the ceiling.
    “A demon!”
    “A demon has come through the portal!”
    “Sound the alarm!”
    I frowned, confused, then remembered. People on Waar thought demons were big pink chicks with red hair. Not real flattering, but what the hell. If it worked, I’d take it. I leapt toward them, laughing like the wicked witch of the west and shouting, “Swallow your soul! Swallow your soul!”
    It wasn’t much of a leap. I was still dizzy and not used to being a featherweight again, so I veered off like a bottle rocket and crashed into the left wall, spraying blood everywhere, then picked myself up, hissing in pain. That seemed to scare them even more and they turned and bolted down the white hall that stretched straight out from the teleport room door.
    I ran after ’em, grinning. This was gonna be easy. All I had to do was run down one of these little goobers, beat the tar out of him, and get him to tell me where Lhan was.
    They reached a T-bone intersection ahead of me and turned left. I bounced after them and caught the slowest one in a flying tackle, slamming him to the ground and sending

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