Sweet Seduction Surrender
when presented with a male who met every criteria my subconscious had for a mate.
    Just like that animal programme on TV, we are all subject to evolution in the end. To the procreation of our kind. When stripped of everything else we are just animals. And I had it bad for the alpha of all animals. Twenty-nine years old and my biological clock was obviously ticking.
    I knew how that first encounter had gone, I've played it over and over in my head. But had I missed something? Had I only looked at it from my perspective because he'd bowled me off my feet? I replayed the scene over in my head, trying to remain objective. It was hard. My life had changed that day, the significance of meeting Jason had altered who I thought I was.
    But over lunch he had watched me, his eyes never straying to his plate or the others at the table, until things heated up and he had to defend his sister. The entire time the ASI guys chatted, and Dom kept a proprietary hand on Genevieve's knee, Jason had been glaring at me. I thought it was because he found my presence annoying. The socialite sister tagging along and claiming the men's attention, when urgent matters were needed to be discussed instead.
    Oh my God. He'd been unable to look away. I'd forgotten that. He'd been as drawn to me as I had to him.
    I quickly scanned through my memories for other events when we'd crossed paths. Most of the time it had been at Dom and Gen's barbecues, which were held only fortnightly. Other than that, I'd bumped into him three times at Sweet Seduction, and once outside of ASI.
    My head jerked up, from where I'd been staring blindly at the carpet. Every single time we'd seen each other he'd looked at me as much as I'd looked at him. If he was really not attracted to me, wouldn't he have just ignored my presence altogether?
    A smile stretched my lips. "Kate, when have you ever ignored me?" I hadn't. But then neither had he ignored me.
    Oh Lord, was I insane to think this? Was I reading too much into a few casual glances? No, they hadn't been casual in the slightest. Nick was right, Jason did look at me a certain way.
    Images flicked through my head in quick, beautiful succession. Dom's house, across the patio where the barbecue sits. Our eyes connecting for longer than necessary. Sweet Seduction, picking up a takeaway coffee and turning to see him sitting in the corner with Adam, eyes on my behind. Outside ASI, crashing into him as he exited the front door, his arms grabbing my shoulders to stop me falling, his eyes locked on my breasts as I sucked in a surprised breath of air.
    Jason Cain was attracted to me, and he hid it about as well as I think I hid my attraction for him.
    Oh good Lord, this was madness. For months he had occupied my mind. Have I been on his too?

Chapter 4
Even Observant, Calculating, Intelligent Ex-Soldiers, Who Were Two Steps Ahead Of Me, Couldn't Read Minds
    I changed into my silk pyjamas after coming to that mind blowing realisation. Climbing between the sheets, I wondered if I could sleep at all. My heart was beating an unfathomable rhythm inside my chest, my palms were sweaty with excitement and nerves. My head was reeling from the memories I had replayed and the different slant I now could interpret in them.
    I wasn't an idiot though. Just because I could see that Jason had been hiding his attraction to me for all this time, didn't mean he'd suddenly change tomorrow and pursue me with open honesty and blatant lust. He might have propositioned me tonight, in an offhand way, but that was probably more of a knee-jerk reaction, a defence mechanism he relied on, when dealing with a challenging opponent. At least, I'd like to think I'm a challenge.
    But I knew that what made Jason a mystery I couldn't stop craving to figure out, was also what made Jason refuse to acknowledge his attraction for me. Something held him back, and just because I'd seen through his ruse, didn't mean he'd show his true colours now.
    I sighed, rolled over onto my

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