Swarm (Book 3)

Read Swarm (Book 3) for Free Online

Book: Read Swarm (Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Alex South
Tags: Zombies
into the distance and his tone had a strange determination to it.
    Laura sensed that he would ask for her help.
    “Um… look… I, er… I have an infection from the hospital… I’m ill… I’m not infected with, you know, the zombie shit, but I’m ill. I really, really need to rest,” she said.
    “Someone could still be there…”
    “But… I don’t know… what time is it…? Maybe it’s going to get dark soon.”
    “It’s morning… You’ve gotta drive me there.”
    “I’ve gotta save them.”
    “But why do I… why do I have to drive?”
    “I can’t drive.”
    “There’s no-” Laura began, but she stopped as Zack sat bolt upright, his eyes suddenly growing wide.
    “… I’m gonna have a fit,” said Zack.
    “Really?” said Laura
    Zack said nothing. His eyes began to drop. His body suddenly became limp.
    “Oh… God…” said Laura. She tried to hold him still. He began to shake, violently. She moved his hands to his head, doing her best to stop him hitting it against the window.
    Stacy shivered from the cold, but she didn’t mind. She liked being outside, and being away from her. She looked up, squinting against the rain. A squirrel walked along a branch. She wondered what had happened, why she had woken up in a backpack.
    She watched the little creature move. The rain was very pretty. Stacy liked the way it made her clean, she liked the way it made her body more awake. The bike lock around her neck wasn’t too bad. She could get used to it.
    She wondered what she would do. How she would get Laura. Maybe she should go back to the house and let out her friend. That would be funny, if the friend was the one that went and bit her. Stacy smiled to herself. Laura would probably still be looking for her sister. Laura was so stupid. Although she wished she really did have a sister, or a brother. She was a bit sad on her own like this.
    The squirrel climbed down the trunk towards her.
    Zack came to consciousness. His head ached; his mouth was dry and full of pain. He knew he’d had a fit, but couldn’t quite put it all together. Where was he? Slowly it came back to him.
    He realised that he was being hugged from behind. He looked down to see Laura’s hands clasping his shirt tightly — two pale fists on his stomach.
    “Wh… ere…” he murmured. He tried to lean forwards, to show her he was conscious. She didn’t let go. “Hello…” He tried to say her name, but couldn’t remember it. “Get off me,” suddenly he felt a sort of claustrophobia rise in him. He pulled her hands off him, and clambered awkwardly over to the other seat. Looking back, he saw her eyes were closed; her face was screwed up into a grimace. She was breathing slowly, seemingly asleep.
    “Oy,” Zack reached across and shook her. Laura… that was it.
    “Laura… Laura!”
    No good. She was out. A terrible thought struck Zack. Was this it? Was she turning a zombie? There was no way to know. It could just be her injury. Was staying here safe? Had he been wrong about her? He pulled the car door’s handle, swung it open, got out, took the keys from his pocket and locked her inside. He stood for a moment, staring. Then he turned and walked quickly, the gravel crunching underfoot. He came to the other car and got inside. Sitting in the passenger’s seat, he was able to make out the top of her head through the window. With each passing second he expected her to move.
    His thoughts turned to his family. He had to find a way to get to them. Perhaps he could drive. If he could just take it slowly, then maybe he would figure it out. He turned the key in the ignition and pressed down on what he thought was probably the accelerator. The engine stalled.
    Laura opened her eyes. She was alone in the vehicle. The last thing she remembered was Zack having a fit — she must have passed out. Again. The soft light of the outside world seemed uncomfortably bright, she found herself squinting. However,

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