Supernatural Believing Christ Conscious
learned over the years is to listen to the Holy Spirit more attentively than I listen to others, especially when entering a hospital or setting where the environment is more likely to contain doubt and unbelief. I am not saying to be rude or unresponsive to people, but make sure you are hearing the truth from the Lord instead of reports from persons who are hysterical. You will recall how Jesus would remove those He perceived would hinder His belief:
    “They began laughing at Him. But putting them all out, He took along the child’s father and mother and His own companions, and entered the room where the child was.”
    Mark 5:40 NASB
    Returning back to the passage of the father with his demonized son, Jesus was obviously disturbed by the unbelief and rebuked them by saying, “unbelieving generation,” or as one translation says, “generation without faith.”
    Regrettably, many times, because of unbelief, our churches are filled with sickness and disease. The attitude among most Christian pastors and leaders is to wait on the famous Christian healers and evangelists to address their troubles. This is exactly what Jesus was rebuking. We as Christians should not wait on anyone to heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead.
    This is what the Bible says we have the authority to do.
    He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he who disbelieves will be condemned. And signs shall attend those who believe , even such as these.
    By making use of my name they shall expel demons. They shall speak new languages.
    They shall take up venomous snakes, and if they drink any deadly poison it shall do them no harm whatever. They shall lay their hands on the sick, and the sick shall recover.
    Mark 16:16–18 WEY
    Brothers and Sisters if you believe, why would you need anyone else to do what you have been equipped for?
    In the story we are analyzing, Jesus called the father to bring his son to Him. Immediately the demon put on a show to steal the attention and terrify everyone. Jesus quickly recaptured the mind of the father by asking a question. “How long has your son been possessed?” Jesus was not concerned with the answer. He required the father to stop focusing on the devil and open his spirit to believe in the supernatural.
    The father finally asked Jesus to have pity and help him. Sadly, many Christians who are crying to God for their healing have the same attitude: “Jesus have pity on me.” Beloved, Jesus has given you the authority and power over every evil thing on the earth.
    “All things are possible to those who believe.”
    The reality is the church, for the most part, does not believe. Oh, we are familiar with the stories of the great miracles but we believe “only” Jesus did the impossible. We are unable to make the transition from our minds to our spirits where faith resides. The reaction by the father is the sobering reality of the majority of the body of Christ today.
    And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears,
    Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.
    Mark 9:24 KJ
    The truth is, belief and unbelief cannot coexist. Unbelief corrupts belief. We either believe or we do not, and judging by the numbers of sick and diseased in the church, it is easy to see which is the case. Dearly beloved, this ought not to be.
    We must follow the pattern of Christ, in order to believe the way He does. The consciousness of Christ is the power to believe in the supernatural. The mind of Christ is the spirit and soul of man united in faith and believing.
    How can you know if you believe from your spirit? Signs and wonders will be the result. Jesus studied the scriptures until His spirit and soul connected with the Holy Ghost. The result is the miraculous.
    Study the scriptures the same way. Ask the Holy Ghost to reveal, by His mercy, revelation and truth what is preventing you from entering into Him? He will, and once He does, you will repent.
    Why, because you have never believed?

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