is that you?” I yell.
    Eclipse swivels to face me, taking his hand from Zac’s face. The trance-like look on the Val’s face vanishes and his arm relaxes, letting the knife fall to the ground.
    “What are you doing here, Deb?” Eclipse’s eyes smolder with anger, the silver glints glowing like a galaxy of stars in the dark depths of his heptagram-shaped pupils.
    “I… I…” Words fail me. I close my eyes, ready for the attack I know is coming, but then I hear a familiar voice behind me.
    “Bow in the presence of your betters, Deb.” Ty’s hand settles on my shoulder and pushes me to the ground. “Just because I sent you to find Commander Collins doesn’t mean you don’t show him the proper respect. My apologies, Commander.” He bows to the Orion, “Your eminence, I didn’t realize you would be here when I sent this idiot Deb to find Commander Collins. He’s needed in a meeting. I deeply apologize.”
    Eclipse looks back between Zac and Ty one more time before speaking. “I have somewhere else to be now anyway. Collins, I’ll see you again. Soon .” With that, he spreads his wings and leaps into the air, disappearing into the dark night sky.
    Ty turns toward me, speaking low so only I can hear. “Good job, Deb. I’ve got it from here.” Then in a voice loud enough to carry, “That will be all, Deb. Return to your assignments.” He waves me away dismissively, but winks at the same time.
    He walks back to Zac, picking up the fallen knife and handing it to him. “Commander Collins, I need to speak with you.”
    I get up and practically sprint back the way I came. My heart is still beating too fast and I know I can’t sleep, so I head away from my dorms. I wish I could spend the night treasuring his words of praise, but instead the scene I witnessed eats away at my mind like acid. With just a single touch, the Orion almost convinced a Val to end his own life.
    I take the icy path that leads back to the city, feeling the need to check on Carlos, to see if I can convince him to leave tonight and join the rebellion in one of the cities abandoned after the wars. With every step I see Zachary with the knife to his throat, Eclipse relishing in his power. It propels me to move faster.
    I enter the Val section of the city where tall skyscrapers gleam, their windows reflecting the flashing images of the holo-screens. My drab gray uniform and dyed hair immediately separate me from the Vals I pass. Some of their clothes cost more than my whole year’s pay. Suspicious glances are shot my way as I slip between the foot traffic.
    I pull up Carlos’s address from the info Jena gave me. He lives on the thirteen floor of the Orbit, a luxury apartment for war heroes. I hesitate outside the revolving door. There’s no way they’ll let me in. Should I sit out here and wait? Maybe I can sneak in the service entrance. I’m about to enter the alley next to the high-rise when a guttural scream rips through the quiet of the night. It’s coming from above me and I glance up in time to see a man falling from the sky, arms and legs flailing. Above him a single figure rises into the night, wings outstretched. Even from here I recognize him. Eclipse.
    I cringe at the horrible sound of flesh meeting pavement, the crunch of bones. I turn to look and instantly wish I hadn’t. What was once a human body lies twisted and splattered on the ground like an over boiled truff. The bright red gore makes bile rise in my throat and the rusty smell of blood makes me dizzy.
    A small group has gathered on the walkway around the broken body. I don’t need to wait for them to ID the body. I already know it’s Carlos Mendoza. I’m too late.
    Carlos was my responsibility. I failed. I take off, having to get away from his body.
    It’s too much; my emotions short circuit, leaving me hollow.
    Carlos is dead and I’ll be joining him soon. Those thoughts echo through my brain over and over. My nose is leaking slower but I’m still losing

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