
Read Stripped for Free Online

Book: Read Stripped for Free Online
Authors: Morgan Black
    “I saw the beach. On my way to your home, it's amazing. I'd love to see it again before we go back.”
    He shook his head. “You know I have never been to the beach here.”
    “Really? Then I think we need to fix that.”
    He raised his glass. “Agreed.”
    “You know I really am sorry for what I said earlier. It’s not my place.”
    “But you were right. I don’t treat people like people. I’ve never had to. I spend most of my time alone.”
    “I don’t have anyone to spend time with. No one of importance. And I decided a long time ago to stop spending time with people who weren’t important.”
    “Any reason why?”
    He shook his head, “That’s a story for another night.”
    Our conversation remained on frivolous topics the rest of the dinner. We discussed our trip to the beach. He asked me multiple times which one I wanted to go to and if I wanted to go at night or during the day. He was actually interested in what I wanted. My outburst from earlier had done some good.
    As we left the restaurant and he offered me his arm to escort me to the town car I realized I didn't want to go back yet. For the first time in what felt like a lifetime I was on a real date, like something out of the movies.
    “I don't want to go back yet.”
    “Aren’t you exhausted? I mean I know you slept on the plane…”
    “It doesn't matter.” I took off my shoes and held them by the straps while I started to walk down the cold cobblestone street towards the beach. “You promised.”
    He started to chase after me but I could hardly run in the heavy gown and even after I pulled it up above my knees it still drug in the back.
    “Let me take those for you.” He offered his hands to my shoes after we slowed down.
    “Oh that's very nice of you. Have you ever done anything like this before?”
    He shook his head. “I don't think I've ever been to a beach at night.”
    “No I mean offered to do something for someone else just because it was a nice thing to do.”
    He stopped in the middle of the street. “Do you ever just let things happen?”
    I turned around. “Not really.”
    “Why are you always analyzing me?”
    “That's part of what I do. I'm just trying to figure out who you are.”
    “Why do you want to know so badly?”
    “Because there's something here. There something between us and I just have to figure it out. Because as much as you infuriate me sometimes all I want you to do is kiss me.”
    There was something about the wine that had made me incredibly honest. I turned around and walked to the beach while he stayed several feet behind me. When my toes reached the sand it was cold and squishy under my feet and I held my dress up so it wouldn’t get dirty. Right before I reached the water Hudson came up behind me and put his fingers along my neck. He whispered in my ear, “We agreed no strings attached. You’re not playing by the rules.”
    I turned around “I don't feel like that’s an option anymore.” I wanted him to kiss me so desperately it hurt. Hudson made me feel crazy and it was intoxicating.
    He dropped my shoes in the sand and they landed with a thud. “I want to watch you swim.”
    “But I don't…” He reached his arms behind me and undid the clasp that held my halter together. Slowly he pulled down the fabric in front of me. I felt my exposed breasts meet the night air and goosebumps broke out on my skin. He kissed the side of my neck and allowed the dress to drop the rest of the way down into the sand. I was left with nothing but a pair of nude underwear.
    “Are you happy with your purchase?”
    “You have no idea.”
    I backed away from him and walked into the icy water. All that I could see was his dark shadowy frame on the beach when I turned around again.
    “Why don’t you join me?” I called.
    “That's not the arrangement.”
    “I'm making a new one.”
    I walked back out of the water and put my hands around his chiseled face and I pulled him into my

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