Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2)

Read Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) for Free Online

Book: Read Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) for Free Online
Authors: S.K. Logsdon
Tags: Drama, Erótica, Romance, music, Lesbian, bisexual, rock and roll
down at the photo and back up at me.
    “The woman?” I ask feeling completely out of
the loop.
    “The woman that he’s been in love with. The
one he keeps telling us about. Says he loves this chick but she
won’t have him. That’s why when we keep trying to get him to fuck
around he won’t. Says he’s saving his cock for the love of his life
or some shit. I told him he was full of it. But you’re her aren’t
you? You’re the reason he won’t get drunk or fuck or party like he
used to. He’s hung up on you bad. He’s got it real bad.” He says
without an ounce of rudeness.
    “He’s talked about me?” I whisper, my heart
    “Yeah, like all the fucking time. I just
thought it was some dish he fucked before he met you. It all
started the day you got on the bus. Never thought you’d be the one.
Happened too quickly for it to be you. Plus you argue all the
fucking time or avoid each other. So you’re having his baby now? He
doesn’t know does he?”
    I shake my head. “It’s not one baby. Its
babies. Look at the photo better.” I say calmly. He’s being so
    He peers down.
    “Well, I’ll be damned. Two fucking
Johnathan’s are growing inside of you.” He smiles widely.
    I rub my tummy and look to both the men at my
sides. “Yeah two. And he’s about to have a third with
    D shakes his head back and forth a bunch of
times. “Naw, he can’t be he wouldn’t fuck after he met you. That
kid can’t be his. Not only does he wrap his shit he wouldn’t do
that. He loves you. A lot. I know because I’ve heard all about it.“
He rolls his eyes.
    “Yeah he did fucked her. He admitted it to
me. That’s why I know it’s true that she’s knocked up. I saw him in
the bar with her two nights before he went into rehab. He came to
me the next morning apologizing for sleeping with her. Plus like
Stace said they’ve got pictures.”
    “Pictures don’t mean shit.” He belt outs.
    “You’re not going to tell are you?” I ask. I
have to know.
    “No, but you better. He’ll be pissed if he
finds out somehow and it wasn’t from you. Plus you’re already
starting to show.” He eyes my bump.
    “I can’t do that to him now. He’s got another
baby on the way. It’ll be hard enough to keep him from going back
over to the dark side of drugs with that news. Let alone know that
I’m carrying his twins. That will surely fuck him up.”
    “Maybe, but he still has a right to know. I’d
want to know if I was him. What were you going to do? Say you eat
too much? Two or maybe three weeks and it’ll be past the weight
gain and into the looking pregnant.”
    “I was going to say they were Stacy’s if he
asked. I don’t want him to flip out again or worse kill himself or
    He shakes his head. “J maybe crazy but having
three kids isn’t going to make him kill himself. He’s not suicidal.
He just has nightmares from a fucked up past and a drug addiction.
If you tell him they’re Stacy’s I will tell him the truth. He
deserves that much. But if you promise to tell him yourself I’ll
let it slide for now. I understand not telling him right now. The
media is fucking this shit up about the whole pregnancy thing with
Cassandra. You don’t need to be roped into that. But sooner or
later you need to come clean with the truth. Wait until he notices
and mentions it to you. I don’t care. But when he does you tell
him. You and I both know it’s only fair.” He says calmly.
    Who would have thought Deacon has a bit of a
conscious. I never did. But I know he’s right. I don’t like that he
is. Now D knows and eventually coming clean will happen. SHIT!
    “Okay, deal. Now I am going to go lie down
and rest. I feel terrible. This is just going to get worse before
it gets better and I’m sure I will be spending the next few weeks
crying about it.”
    “Okay honey, get some sleep.” Stacy says and
leans in kissing my cheek.
    “If you need me just holler.” James

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