Stranger King
stated. “I reported it all.”
    “What’s this about, Kozol?” Stiar stepped in front of Lena protectively. “We had nothing to do with this.”
    “I don’t want people associating this with my company. If it gets out that you two were there when this happened…”
    “It won’t,” Lena said firmly. “Now get off my back.”
    Kozol glared back and ran his hand through his hair, “Shit. Shit shit shit. Get back to the barracks, all of you. I don’t want any of you communicating with your family or friends. Just lie low until I tell you otherwise.”
    “I need to see the doctor first,” Lena said quietly.
    The others watched, waiting to see Kozol’s reaction. Eventually, he sighed.
    “Alright. Make it quick, kid.”
    Sam had Lena positioned on the table. Lena tried to keep still as the ultrasound scanner went over her eyes. She wanted to blink, but held them open until the doctor removed the device.
    “Your retinas are beginning to show the initial signs of damage,” Sam confirmed. “It’s not too bad yet. I will give you an injection to help stimulate regrowth.”
    “Isn’t that dangerous when being exposed to so much radiation?”
    “You can go blind or you can risk cancer. I can do something about the latter.”
    Lena sighed, “Do it.”
    She held still as the needle pierced her eye and whimpered when she felt the drug trickling in. Sam repeated the process on the other eye, and Lena’s brain focused on Kozol’s intense gaze. She could not help noticing how he had looked at her at the party and during the meeting when he’d sized her up and seemed to approve her firm stance. It made her feel wanted, desired.
    “I can put in the artificial lenses now. It doesn’t sound like you’re going to be working the next few days anyway, so it would give you time to heal.”
    Lena winced and nodded. “Can you make them violet?”
    Sam laughed, “Of course. Something that simple?”
    “I always wanted purple eyes.”

Chapter Six
    Lena woke as the sun was rising over the city. She went to the window, naked and pink. Her eyes adjusted, the artificial irises narrowing.
    Kozol stirred and she ignored him, going over to the kitchenette to pour herself a cup of coffee. She drank slowly, her body adjusting to the heat. He had risen, walking over to her, his body barely covered by his underclothes.
    He kissed her on the cheek as if it was an afterthought.
    “Planning on getting dressed?” he murmured into her ear.
    “Not for a while yet,” Lena replied sleepily.
    “Lucky me.”
    Lena leaned into the kiss, letting his hand cup her cheek. She knew this was meant for her benefit, the romance that all men thought women needed. She knew he wasn’t falling for her and that greatly comforted her. After months of skirting around it, falling into bed with her boss had seemed a pleasant compromise. These two weeks had been enjoyable, but she worried he felt she was looking for more.
    She was about to mention this when the vid-screen came on with an incoming message alert. Kozol went to the living room and took it, a face Lena didn’t recognize coming into view.
    She decided to take a shower while Kozol dealt with the early morning intruder.
    Lena coded in what temperature she wanted and she entered the pod. It reminded her in Mandarin of its scheduled maintenance date and she pushed a button, acknowledging that she had received the message.
    She dressed in her interior clothes quickly and came back into the living room, hearing Kozol arguing with the stranger on the screen.
    “Listen, I don’t send out my people on suicide missions. You want it done, ask the Americans. They don’t seem to give a shit. Now stop wasting my time.”
    The screen faded and Kozol drank his coffee.
    “Don’t worry about that,” he said, waving it off. “Just some piece of filth that thinks you’re worth burning up.”
    “Nice to know you actually care about your employees.”
    “Listen, I take care of my people. You all have

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