Stormwielder (The Sword of Light Trilogy Book 1)

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Book: Read Stormwielder (The Sword of Light Trilogy Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Aaron Hodges
them, denying the archer a clean shot.
    The man’s eyes slid to where Eric stood in indecision. He raised his crossbow.
    Eric threw himself to the side as a bolt flashed towards him. He felt the blood flee his face and his heart stop. Fists clenched, he silently swore to himself. Too close!
    Shaking his head he scrambled to his feet. The bowman had vanished. He raised his club before him, eyes searching the trees for the dark-haired man. The clashing of swords seemed to die away against the harsh clanking of the rewinding crossbow. Eric felt a sliver of ice trickle down his neck.
    Eric’s back began to itch as he imagined the hidden archer taking aim. He spun left, then right, eyes searching for any flicker of movement. His gaze took in the failing Alastair and the swordsman, lingering on the old man's limp left arm. With every blow the wrinkles on his face deepened. It seemed as though whatever trick or magic he had used earlier had run out.
    The cranking click of the crossbow ceased. Then something sharp pressed into Eric's back. He froze.
    "Drop the club," the archer growled into his ear.
    Eric’s legs began to shake. He tossed away his feeble weapon.
    “On your knees, slowly now! Hands behind your head.”
    Eric obeyed, kneeling in the mud and placing his hands over his head. The crossbow point followed him down. He could almost feel the man's finger on the trigger and knew he might be only seconds from death.
    “Stay where you are.” The pressure on his back vanished as the man walked round in front of him. The crossbow point never wavered from Eric's chest.
    A bead of sweat trickled down Eric’s forehead. The huntsman’s clothes were charred and streaked with mud, and the air around him reeked of soot and smoke. Raw hate twisted his face.
    “Do you know how many died last night, demon? ” his voice shook with emotion. “I should kill you now. But no, that would be too good for you. You deserve the same suffering my people have felt. Your death will be slow and painful.”
    Eric could feel his eyes begin to water, hopeless guilt welling up inside him. He deserved this, deserved this hate, and whatever terrible punishment they devised. Yet still he shook with terror.
    “But your friend, he’ll die quick, magic or no. Sammy’s no amateur. The old man doesn’t stand a chance.”
    Alastair's arm shook with the weight of his short sword. His muscles screamed but he drove on through the pain. He struck out with a short stab, but too slow, his foe blocking with ease. Pain shot down his arm as their swords met, the power in the guard’s swing almost knocking the weapon from his hand.
    The man twisted his sword away and came again, forcing Alastair backwards. His blade slid beneath Alastair's guard, followed by the tearing of fabric as the tip sliced his cloak.
    Alastair forced his weary body forwards, stabbing upwards as his foe closed. The guard blocked but Alastair was expecting it and lashed out with his foot. He struck the man a heavy blow to the chest.
    His opponent stumbled back and if Alastair had possessed the strength, he might have finished the fight then and there. As it was he barely stayed on his feet. His muscles burned and his heart raced. Pain radiated from where the bolt was buried in his shoulder. He felt as though he had aged ten years in the last five minutes.
    The man he faced recovered, sneering as he saw his opponent had not moved.
    Alastair cursed his hesitation when the men had first appeared. He should have used his magic then but he had held back, knowing he faced only mortal men. How arrogant he had been.
    “Stupid old man. You will regret helping the demon by the time I'm done with you. You may have destroyed our town, but I will not let your evil prevail."
    Alastair sighed, summoning the last of his strength as the man made to renew his attack. They both knew the fight was drawing to an end. One way or another, one of them would soon be dead.

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