Stepbrother Broken (The Hawthorne Brothers Book 2)

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Book: Read Stepbrother Broken (The Hawthorne Brothers Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Colleen Masters
up and down his cock.
    “ Not even a little, ” he smiles, kissing me hard on the mouth as he strokes
my aching sex.
lips move together as we work each other up. Two flimsy layers of cotton are
all that separate us from taking the other into our eager hands. I can feel my
knees begin to tremble as Luke touches me. I don ’ t
know how much longer I can wait to have him, feel him the way I ’ ve wanted. The way I ’ ve
dreamed of. I tug down his dark jeans, steadying myself against the door.
    “ Well? ” I
gasp, chest heaving, “ I know I said I wanted you to nail
me to the wall … but I think a door will do the
trick. ”
    “ Yeah, I think I can work with that, ” he grins ravenously, pushing me hard against the
flimsy bathroom door.
heart skips a beat as I feel this controlled hint of his true strength. With
that body, those perfectly formed muscles, he could probably curl me with one
hand behind his back. I ’ ve always wanted to be with a guy
who was strong enough to take me on. Someone who ’ s
not afraid to be a little physical. A little rough. That ’ s a side of my desire I ’ ve
never been able to explore with anyone. Until …
sharp hammering knock on the door makes me jump. Someone ’ s been pounding away out there, refusing to be
ignored. Sounds like somebody must really need to break the seal. I ’ ve been so wrapped up with Luke that I almost didn ’ t notice before. But now they ’ re yelling above the music … Yelling for me .
    “ Sophie! ” someone calls desperately, “ Sophie, get out here! ”
    “ Expecting visitors? ” Luke asks, brow furrowing slightly.
    “ Sophie please, ” the voice entreats me, “ I
think Danny ’ s in trouble. ”
    It ’ s only then that I recognize the voice as the guy my
friend was chatting up not a moment ago. He sounds absolutely terrified.
    “ Shit, ” I
mutter, hurrying to clasp my bra and straighten my clothes.
    “ What ’ s
going on? ” Luke asks as I break away from him.
    “ My friend needs me, ” I reply. “ I ’ m
sorry, I have to —”
nods silently, struggling to do up his jeans despite his enormous erection. We
put aside our case of collective blue balls as I wrench open the bathroom door,
coming face-to-face with Danny ’ s new friend. The poor guy has gone
completely white, his eyes as wide as dinner plates.
    “ Where is he? ” I demand.
frightened man points toward the main room of the bar. I turn to see a group of
guys forming, closing in around something. Or rather, some one .
    “ Danny, ” I whisper, taking off at a run. 
tear through the crowd, shoving and shouldering people out of the way as I rush
to my friend ’ s side. I come up against a wall of
solid muscle as I try to reach him — a perimeter of burly dudes holds me
at bay. Through the forest of their beefy torsos, I see Danny standing at the
center of it all, blond head held high as some asshole sneers at him, jabbing a
finger into his chest.
    “ We don ’ t take kindly to your type around here, ” the man snarls, his shaved head glinting dangerously
in the low light.
    “ And what type is that? ” Danny challenges him, his fists clenched.
    “ You know full well, ” his aggressor goes on, backing Danny across the
circle, “ I seen you talking up that other
little guy. Battin ’ your eyelashes. I know what
you are. ”
men around the circle shove Danny forward as he reaches the edge of the circle.
I see his jaw pulse with fury as he straightens himself up, unwilling to back
    “ Well, you know what they say, ” Danny shoots back, leveling his clear-eyed gaze at the
pathetic man before him, “ It takes one to know one. ”
slows to a crawl as I watch the man ’ s eyes blaze with ire. His hands
tighten into punishing fists, and I watch in horror as he cocks back a thick
    “ No , ” I
shout, bursting through the wall of men trying to box me out.
throw myself into the circle, my shoulder colliding hard

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