Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1)

Read Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Lolah Lace
Tags: interracial paranormal romance
words. He decided to turn down his natural charm and approach her like she was a guy.
    “How long have you been out on the road?” Max looked back into the backseat.
    “Since I was eighteen.” Scar leaned forward.
    “Why what?”
    “Why are you doing this, hunting?”
    Scar cracked a smile that almost knocked Max out the driver’s seat. “I mean you’re pretty. You could have a regular life. You could be a secretary or something.”
    “I could but how do you have a regular life when you know that vampires, demons, werewolves and witches exist?”
    Max thought about her words. “That’s a good point. You could always just pretend they don’t exist.”
    “Yeah I could but I have always lived in the real world.”
    “Me too.” Max agreed.
    “And that’s exactly why we are here today.”
    “Yeah, I can’t say I would have it any other way.”
    “Me neither. My life isn’t a fairytale but it’s mine. I do what I want. I go where I want. It’s what I make of it. I save people’s lives whether they know it or not and I didn’t have to go to medical school to do it.”
    This time it was Max who produced a smile. He felt an undeniable chemistry with Scar. Sure there was a burning need to have her physically but there was more, a feeling he couldn’t quite put into words but something he felt a strong desire to explore.
    There was a warm calming silence that lingered amongst them. Max watched as Ryan walked across the motel parking lot and back to the truck.
    “Hey guys I got us some rooms.” Ryan held the two motel room keys through the open truck passenger window. “We can get a good nights sleep before we hit the road tomorrow.”
    Max nodded. Sleep was the last thing on his mind.
    * * *
    Ryan sat at the small desk in the motel room. He was surfing the Internet. His usual endeavor when he had trouble sleeping. Max entered the room from the adjacent bathroom. Ryan tore his bloodshot eyes away from the laptop to notice Max had showered and changed clothes. Max’s hair was still wet from the shower. Ryan arched an eyebrow before he started his normal brand of interrogation.
    “Why are you all fresh and clean?”
    “I got a hot date.”
    Ryan was confused. He had been with Max all day. They never came across any women. “With who?” He frowned.
    “Scar you freak.”
    “Scarlet Buckley, does she even know about this date?”
    “Well no, not exactly but she likes that whole element of surprise. I was listening when she was talking.” Max smiled all proud of himself.
    “First time for everything.” Ryan joked.
    Max grabbed his engraved silver-plated Ruger P95 9mm handgun from the nightstand near the bed.
    Ryan stopped reading from his laptop screen. He watched as Max collected various things from around the room.
    “Hey, I’m going to the mini mart. You want something back?”
    “No, I’m cool. What do you need?”
    “Huh, protection, it’s better to be safe than burning or worse a father.” Max winks at Ryan. He placed his Ruger in his waistband and concealed it with his shirt. Ryan chuckled. His brother was pretty funny sometimes.
    “Night, night John boy. Don’t wait up.” Max quipped.
    Ryan cracked a boyish smile. “See you in five minutes, playboy.” Ryan joked.
    Max ignored Ryan and walked out of the motel room. Max strolled down the concrete steps and across the motel parking lot.
    * * *
    At the same time Roy Raymond drives alone down the highway. Country music is blaring from the pickup truck’s speakers.
    Roy is a thirty-two year-old man with a mustache, budding beard and small eyes, the typical flannel wearing vampire hunter.
    He looked out the window and noticed the state Highway 28 marker sign firmly planted on the side of the road. He glanced through his steering wheel at the gas hand.
    Roy pulled off the interstate and directly into the gas station adjacent to the Laverne Inn Motel.
    Roy gets out of his pickup after he pulls up to the gas pump.

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