Starting Over

Read Starting Over for Free Online

Book: Read Starting Over for Free Online
Authors: Ryder Dane
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Action & Adventure, new adult
littering the tables and guest barracks in
    case the housecats bestowed their favors on some of the guests, or anyone else. That
    had caused more problems, but the home based brothers seldom argued over the
    protection nowadays. It was a good thing the County Health Department handed the
    things out like candy, or the club would go broke buying condoms. Race grinned at the
    thought of a surcharge for sexual necessities. Yeah, that would go over well.
    Kink pulled up a crate to sit on and rested his elbows on the wooden surface of the
    table, before he began talking. “It looks like a good crowd down there tonight. It’s a
    good thing River brought some eats with her, and you gotta’ give the woman credit, she
    brought a keg and a case of Jack to welcome us to our new home. Classy bitch that’s
    for sure.”
    War and Race gave him dirty looks and he laughed. “So that’s the way the wind
    blows, I’l be damned.” He looked down to the bar, and saw Mambo standing next to
    her, and whatever he said made her laugh. He looked at War, and then Race, and
    shook his head. “You two have it bad, she’s cute and al , but I like a woman that knows
    her place. Did you ever see her toss someone out of that bar? She kicked ol’ Inca’s
    knee and damn near slit his throat when all he did was pull her in close for a little
    smooch. Up till then I planned to let her suck my cock after hours, but seeing her with
    JK Publishing, Inc.
    Starting Over by Ryder Dane
    that knife to his throat changed my mind. With my luck, she’d bite my dick off, and that
    would be a damn shame. Goody might cry and shit if that happened.”
    War turned his attention back to Kink, the man was walking a thin line with him to
    begin with, his arrogance was grinding on his nerves, and if the man kept making
    comments about River, well, the drop was close to fifteen feet from where they sat, the
    man might live to regret his dumbassed words.
    To be fair, Kink was a handsome son-of-a-bitch, and the women liked him well
    enough, but War didn’t like him, never had. Making an example of him wouldn’t bother
    him a bit, but he wasn’t going to start shit over a woman, especially one that no one in
    the place had a claim on. He decided to be diplomatic, or at least his version of
    “She took over the bar for Mambo’s uncle and aunt, he tel s me that she’s honest
    and has been good for business. If she has the balls to put a brother in his place, I
    have no issue with her methods. As far as I know, she isn’t fair game, and until she
    declares she is, or she gets claimed, don’t fuck with her. She’s not one of us, and we
    don’t need more trouble right now.” He looked back to the crowd of people and shook
    his head when three girls walked in the doors. “You need to get down there and check
    those twitchy assed kids that came in. Those girls are jailbait from the tender looks of
    them, and we don’t let them in here, remember?”
    Kink fol owed his gaze and pointing finger and sighed. “Fuckin’ high school sluts,
    might do them good to get fucked by real men instead of high school football players
    and pretty boys, but I’l get rid of them.” He got up and went to the fireman’s pole that
    one of the brothers had found in an abandoned firehouse and installed for shits and
    giggles in the clubhouse. He waved as he wrapped his legs around the thing and slid
    down, out of sight.
    War watched him make his way to the middle of the room where five men had
    surrounded the fresh meat. He looked at Race and said, “I think we might have a
    problem with Kink, if I see him fuckin’ with underage girls, I’ll bust his stupid head in.
    Three days ago he was so out of it, he couldn’t stand on his own and pissed himself
    sitting out front. He’s stil doping, and he can’t keep his mouth shut for shit. Did you
    see his damn eyes? The bastard is high as fuck.”
    Race had been silent during Kink’s short visit with them. The man never

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