Star's Storm: Lords of Kassis Book 2
rethinking things. She had finally moved into his
House just a few weeks ago. Even then, she had only begun to warm
up to him the last few days before the dinner and subsequent
    Jazin pulled away slightly to gaze down into
the passion-filled eyes of his mate. “Manota is going to take Jo
back for your parents. Kev Mul Kar, Torak’s Captain of the Guard,
will go with them. He has returned from his mission. He is familiar
with the Tearnat’s navigational charts. We have the location of
your planet from Trolis’ warship. Our technology is more advanced
than the Tearnat and the trip should take about half the time it
took before to return once they have secured your parents,” Jazin
explained huskily.
    Star looked up at Jazin in shock before a
huge grin lit her face with happiness. She threw her arms around
Jazin’s waist and hugged him tightly. Her parents were going to be
totally shocked but they would be happy as long as they knew she
and Jo were. Several things dawned on her as she held Jazin tightly
against her. First, he and Manota wouldn’t bother doing this if
they didn’t really care for her and Jo. Second, he was very much
aroused if the bulge pressing against her stomach was any
indication to his feelings for her. And third, she wanted him with
a fierce desire that was eating away at her. She had from the first
moment she heard his husky voice telling his brother goodbye.
    She pulled back, a rosy hue coloring her
cheeks as she stared at his chest. “You…. Ah…. Your….,” she drew in
a deep breath and shyly looked up at him. “You’re aroused.”
    Jazin’s eyes lit with laughter as he loosely
held her in front of him. “I have been aroused since the first
moment I saw you on board Trolis’ warship,” he admitted
    “Well,” Star said looking nervously up at
him. “I guess we should do something about that, shouldn’t we?”
    It took a moment for Jazin to realize what
Star was saying. He had gotten so used to her saying ‘no’ that his
brain seemed to short-circuit for a second or two. He closed his
eyes as a shaft of painful need flooded him. His nose twitched as
the tantalizing scent of her arousal penetrated his
    Gods, he thought as he fought to get
control of his suddenly hypersensitive body. I want her so badly
that I’m afraid.
    “Jazin?” The soft question in her voice drew
his eyes to hers again.
    “I, Jazin Ja Kel Coradon of the Third House
of Kassis, claim you, Star, for my house and as my mate. I claim
you as my woman. No other may claim you. I will kill any other who
try. I give you my protection as is my right as leader of my house.
I claim you as is my right by the House of Kassis,” Jazin said
quietly as he brushed Star’s beautiful blond hair back from her
face with trembling fingers. “I’m never go to let you go,
    Star’s eyes filled with tears. She bit her
lower lip and took a step closer to his warm body. “Do you promise,
Jazin? Forever?”
    “Oh yes,” he breathed out knowing she could
never understand just how much she meant to him. “You are my heart,
Star. You are the woman I have given it to and the only one who
will ever have it,” Jazin vowed solemnly.
    Star reached up and touched his cheek with
the tips of her fingers. “I claim you, Jazin. As my partner, as my
friend, as my husband. Love me,” she whispered.
    “You are sure?” He asked, the muscle in his
jaw clenched tightly as he held onto his control by a thread. “I am
not sure I could stop once….” His voice faded as she gently laid
her fingers against his lips.
    “I won’t change my mind,” she promised.
    To prove her point, she took a step back and
reached for the clasp holding the robe covering her. She released
the crystal catch and the robe parted revealing the sheer gown she
wore underneath it. She shrugged her shoulders, letting the silky
material fall to pool around her slender ankles.
    Jazin’s breath caught in his throat as he
felt the

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