Star Watch
become something else completely—something even worse than the molt weevil … half human half molt weevil, the zombie-like … peovils . Millions of them still wandered the Earth, alone and in packs; they never slept, and their hunger for human flesh was rarely satisfied.
    Grimes brought the shuttle down in the parking lot of a shopping mall, directly in front of a Target store. Through the observation window, Jason noticed the lot was half-filled with pickup trucks and other four-wheel drive vehicles; all seemed covered in mud and grime.
    “Stay with the shuttle. This shouldn’t take long.”
    “Aye, Cap,” Grimes said, reaching for a paperback book lying atop the control panel.
    * * *
    Three good ol’ boys, dressed in faded camos and holding M16s, watched as Jason approached the store’s front entrance. The center one spat something brown toward Jason’s feet.
    “Hold it right there,” the spitter said.
    Jason did as he was told. “I’m here to see Billy Hernandez. The man I believe you work for.”
    “He’s busy. ’Bout ready to kick off another hunt this morning.”
    “That’s fine … I just need to see him for a minute,” Jason said.
    The three men looked similar. All had full beards, matching Denver Broncos caps, and dressed alike in Army surplus duds, although each man, obviously, had never served a single day in any branch of the U.S. military.
    Jason, thus far, had avoided using his NanoCom to contact Billy. He wanted their meet-up to be face-to-face. The man on the left pulled a walkie-talkie from a pocket, brought it to his mouth, and uttered something unintelligible. While waiting for a response, he too spat something brown, again, in the rough direction of Jason’s feet. The man to the far right brought out a small tin of Skoal and held it up … an offering. Jason shook his head. He watched the man place a good-sized pinch of the tobacco into his mouth.
    The automatic doors behind the three bearded men slid open. Billy appeared, looking distracted, but became all smiles once he spotted Jason. Billy had been Jason’s best friend for the better part of ten years. Like Jason, he too had been a Navy SEAL. Jason first recruited Billy, then numerous other SEALs, on to The Lilly ; most had served under Jason’s command at some time or another.
    “Sorry to just drop in like this, Billy.”
    Billy pulled Jason into a bear hug; the big Cuban-American smelled of both cigars and sweat. Pulling apart, Billy said, “You here to lend a hand? We could definitely use someone like you—” He then saw the Perilous and reassessed Jason, dressed in a spacer’s jumpsuit.
    “Oh, no … tell me it isn’t so? Tell me you haven’t come out of retirement?”
    Jason shrugged. “I’m back in space. Commanding the Minian . Seems there’s a big need for intergalactic law enforcement … something called Star Watch.”
    “And you’re here to recruit me?”
    “Something like that.”
    Billy gestured toward the parking lot and they moved away from the three men. It began to drizzle but that didn’t stop Billy from lighting up a fresh cigar. “You know, I’d follow you anywhere, Cap … but I’m right in the middle of this nightmare. Fucking zombies coming down at night … right into the locals’ homes and what they’re doing isn’t pretty. Sometimes whole families are … anyway, I need to finish this.”
    “Figured as much. Had to ask, though. They’re lucky to have you,” Jason said.
    “With luck … we’ll get the upper hand on things around here within the next few weeks. I’ll catch up to you then.”
    “And Gunny?” Jason asked.
    “She’s here. Been at my side the whole time. We’re a good team. There’s no way she’d leave now—”
    He stopped talking when he saw the tall muscular woman with dark skin exit the Target. She had a large duffle slung over one shoulder and was heading in their direction. Billy took a long drag on his stogie. “Crap.”
    Jason opened

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