Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
Ackbar has pledged his support of the Alliance. We already have him on our side. “
    “But we don’t have his people, ” Juno persisted. “They were among the slaves Kota tried to free on Cato Neimoidia. If we can earn the support of the Mon Calamarians, then we get their soldiers and their ships with them. Didn’t I just hear you talking about the MC-Eighty star cruisers as I came in? Imagine if we had the resources of the entire Mon Cal shipyards at our disposal! Wouldn’t the Emperor have to sit up and rake notice of us then?”
    Viedas nodded, and so did Bel Iblis. “He would have no choice, ” said the Senator from Corellia.
    “There are no guarantees the Dac resistance movement will ever join our cause, ” said Mon Mothma. “We’ve approached them several times. They remain unconvinced we mean business. “
    “Actions speak louder than words, ” said Bel Iblis.
    “I agree, ” said Juno. “A decisive strike against the Empire on Dac, with the support of Captain Ackbar, and they’ll come around for sure. It’s exactly the opportunity we need. “
    “And what if it goes wrong?” asked Mon Mothma. “What if this mission fails, as Kota’s did, and we lose Ackbar, as well? Then we’d be even worse off than we are now. “
    Juno felt some of the frustration that must have boiled inside Kota, ever since the optimistic early days of the Alliance. She wasn’t afraid for herself and the fare of her career. The Alliance itself was at stake now, bound up in endless bickering and disputes.
    “Princess, ” she said, “you’re very quiet. “
    Leia looked up at her. “I don’t feel that I can offer an opinion without further consultation. “
    “But your father has the deciding vote, and you represent him, so…”
    “So I would like to consult with him before I cast that vote, if you don’t mind. “
    The firmness of the rebuff took Juno by surprise. She had felt sure that Leia’s opinion would be the same as hers. It was she, after all, who had cemented the agreement on Kashyyyk, she who had chosen his family’s crest to represent the hope they all had felt, then, for the future.
    It didn’t help that Bel Iblis looked as frustrated as Juno felt.
    “We mustn’t rush in, Juno, ” said Mon Mothma, her tone ameliorating now that it was clear she had the upper hand. “Kota has barely been gone a day, and threats close in on all sides. Let us choose carefully. Let’s not be blinded as Kota was by the dream of an easy victory. We learned the hard way that this will never be our lot. “
    Juno knew she was thinking of the Death Star, still lurking somewhere in an unknown state of readiness. They had come so close to the Emperor and failed to take him down. Had they only succeeded then, they would never have been having this conversation.
    Juno forced herself to use the only name she could bear to think of hint as, anymore.
    “You wouldn’t be saying that if Starkiller were here. “
    Mon Mothma’s expression hardened. “He’s not here, so the point is irrelevant. “
    “I think you’ve said enough, Captain Eclipse, ” interrupted Commodore Viedas with a pronounced Rodian lisp. “Leave us now, while we discuss what happens next. “
    “I’m prepared to resign my commission over this, ” Juno said, reaching up to rug off the four red pips of her captain’s insignia. The very thought of it pained her, but to stand aside and do nothing, to wait while a golden opportunity slipped them by…
    “Don’t be so hasty, ” said the commodore. “We might well court-martial you first. “
    She dropped her hands to her sides, feeling nothing but defeat. Of course: That was what he had meant by what happens next. Adding impulsive defiance to her case wasn’t going to help the matter of her disobedience with regard to orders.
    “Yes, sir, ” she said, snapping off a quick salute. “I await your decision. “
    “Corporal Sparks will show you to the officers’ mess. “
    The door opened behind

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