Star Slave
want to have you... properly.’
    The dark eyes regarded him with cool amusement. ‘Why, Lord B, you know I’m a virgin. How could I be the Grand Mistress of the Whores of Babylon otherwise? It’s a responsibility I take very seriously, as you know. Besides, the girls are so much more beautiful than I. And younger.’
    â€˜Nonsense, Magda,’ he replied. He was not being gallant. The elite society, whose patron he had so willingly become, fascinated him. The notion of these lovely girls, carefully culled from all walks of life, often having the binding rules of the secret order as their only common element, dedicated to a sexual life which demanded obedience to every dictate of their Grand Mistress, had appealed irresistibly to his libidinous nature. They were not prostitutes. They were fully aware of what membership of the Whores of Babylon entailed, and entered into membership as ardent volunteers. And there was not one of them as intriguing or thoroughly desirable as their magnetic leader - the one who had taken the shocking name of Magdalene; so shocking that none outside the select circle knew of it. And even those of the fellowship always referred to her as Magda.
    He had known her for several years. Like all the other men of this exclusive society, he had never known her to have sexual intercourse. He had never even seen her naked, and neither, as far as he knew, had any other of his male acquaintances. All her passionate pleasure was reserved for her own sex, and even that, as portrayed in the powerfully erotic initiation ceremony, literally cloaked from the male eyes which gazed absorbedly at the spectacle from the hidden outer darkness.
    But her activity was not confined to homoeroticism.
    Now, she saw his excitement, the gleam that betokened his aroused appetite, a gleam reflected in the gazes of all about them.
    â€˜Have you anything else for our diversion?’ his lordship asked, with a gesture towards his colleagues.
    She nodded, as he knew she would. ‘Yes indeed, my lord. I was hoping perhaps you or some of the other Masters might help us out. You remember we decided Barbara should be given to Sir Mortimer Durrance for the summer? She went with him on his cruise to the Med. I don’t know if you’ve heard anything, but things didn’t work out. She was a very silly girl. She caused an awful lot of trouble. For someone who has been a Daughter for almost a year now, it’s very disappointing. And a bad example for the others. I’ve had her brought back here. I think her punishment should be rather special. Public. Tonight would be ideal. In front of the Masters - and the Daughters, too.’ She nodded at the girls scattered about the comfortable room.
    â€˜Very good, my dear,’ Lord Burnopside answered smoothly. ‘Whatever you suggest.’
    â€˜I’ll have her brought in now, if you’re ready, my lord.’ The weeping girl in question made no effort to resist as two others swiftly undressed her, peeling off the dress, the lacy black underwear, the dark stockings and heeled shoes, until she was as naked as they were.
    She was led forward to one end of the long dining table, the highly polished surface of which shone like a mirror. At Magda’s nod Barbara .was thrust face down over the table, shivering at the cold contact against her breasts and belly. She turned her head sideways to rest one cheek on the gleaming surface, her brown hair masking her despairing expression. Her arms were spread out wide. Magda had produced two sets of silver handcuffs, linked by a looping metal chain. Bracelets were fastened over the girl’s wrists, then secured beneath the tabletop so that her pinioned wrists remained spread, her pale upper body held flat to the table’s surface.
    Her taut buttocks flexed, the little rounds hollowing deeply. Magda moved forward and ran a hand in a gentle caress over their outline. Then she quickly smeared them with

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