
Read Spurt for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Spurt for Free Online
Authors: Chris Miles
Tags: Ebook
his jocks as well?’
    ‘Sampson? I don’t know. You could ask him!’
    ‘Ask me what?’
    Jack turned to see Sampson standing behind him. And standing next to Sampson was homeroom no-show and recent non-replier-to-texts, Vivi Dink-Dawson.
    ‘Hey, cuz,’ she said to Philo. ‘Hey, Jack.’ She tried to see what Jack was holding. ‘Oh my god, what is that?’
    ‘Nothing,’ said Jack, stuffing the merkin into his pocket. ‘And Philo was just leaving. Weren’t you, Philo?’
    ‘I sure was!’ said Philo. ‘If I don’t get a move on, I’ll be late for school!’
    Sampson frowned. ‘You’re … at school already?’
    Philo blinked. ‘Okay, that was pretty stupid, even for me. I guess I shouldn’t have stayed up so late making Jack that merk–’
    ‘Merkel!’ blurted Jack. ‘That … sculpture of Angela Merkel. You know. The German prime minister or whatever. Oh man, she’s definitely my favourite world leader who’s a lady.’
    Philo now looked even more confused than normal. Jack gave him a little shove to send him on his way, then turned back to Vivi.
    Sampson was still hovering next to her. It was almost as though Vivi had temporarily forgotten what a massive brainless jerk he was.
    ‘I thought you must have been sick or something,’ said Jack, doing his best to ignore Sampson. ‘I mean, that Mayor for a Week thing is on today, right? I didn’t think you’d want to miss that.’
    ‘I think you’ll find Angela Merkel is the German chancellor ,’ said Sampson, ‘not prime minister.’
    ‘Oh,’ said Jack. ‘Really?’
    Really? he thought. Sampson knows a three-syllable word?
    ‘That’s why we’re late,’ said Vivi. ‘We bumped into each other at the bus stop and just got fully into this conversation about whether I should apply or not. Oliver’s coming to the information session too.’
    ‘We got talking yesterday after PE,’ Sampson explained. He glanced down at Vivi. ‘You know, comparing notes on the soccer match. One captain to another!’
    ‘A meeting of equals!’ joked Vivi.
    Jack looked from Vivi to Sampson and back again. What the hell was going on? ‘I … thought we’d already agreed you should definitely go for it?’ he said.
    Vivi frowned. ‘I don’t think we had. Anyway, I figured it couldn’t hurt to get another opinion. Mix things up a little.’
    Jack couldn’t help thinking things seemed plenty mixed up already.
    ‘Oliver’s going to meet me outside the student centre, before the information session.’ Vivi caught Jack’s eye. ‘I thought you’d probably want to tag along too?’
    ‘Yeah,’ said Jack. ‘Sure.’ What could he do: say no? Risk getting Vivi offside? It wasn’t an option. Not with Sampson looking very much on -side. ‘Tag along. That sounds like my kind of thing …’
    Vivi brightened. ‘Awesome! I already have some ideas about what I’d like to do as Mayor for a Week –’
    (This came as no surprise to Jack.)
    ‘– but I was thinking you guys could help me out, maybe workshop some stuff, kick some other ideas around?’
    ‘Totally,’ said Jack. ‘I’m actually pretty good with that sort of thing.’ He glanced up at Sampson, suddenly feeling as though he was on surer ground. ‘You know, from being on Bigwigs . When you think about it, it’s pretty similar. Kids doing adult jobs. And Bigwigs was a competition, Mayor for a Week’s a competition … So, yeah – I’m totally qualified to help.’
    ‘ Bigwigs ,’ Sampson snorted. ‘Like anyone watches that show anymore. Just because it’s moved to Network Twelve and it’s running in prime time and has brand-new corporate sponsors and bigger prizes and …’ He stopped, seeming to notice the way Vivi and Jack were looking at him. ‘I mean, I don’t really keep up with it. That’s just what I heard. All I’m saying is, it’s still a stupid kids show.’
    The bell rang for first period.
    ‘So we’ll see you later, yeah?’ said Vivi, looking at Sampson.

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