Spirit [New Crescent 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Read Spirit [New Crescent 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) for Free Online

Book: Read Spirit [New Crescent 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) for Free Online
Authors: Mary Lou George
Tags: Romance
do it, then so be it. They were supposed to be friends, there was no reason he couldn’t be of some assistance. He was a permanent fixture in her life. She had to get used to dealing with him and her feelings for him. No time like the present.
    Chase was there in the garden waiting for her. At first, he appeared unaware of her presence. Stretched out on the bench, with his long legs crossed at the ankles and his arms resting along the back, he had his face turned up to the sun. Reggie paused to admire the sight. It shocked her to realize that for once, she wasn’t hungry for food. She hungered for him. He was a month’s worth of comfort food to a starving woman. And just for a moment, Reggie feasted.
    The sound of his amused voice startled her when, without even opening his eyes, he said, “Are you going to stand there all day, Reggie?”
    Embarrassed, she walked toward him and started babbling. “You’re making progress with the gardens, I see. I never realized they were so extensive. The path to the beach is terribly overgrown. I guess the lion’s share of the work will have to be done in the spring, but there’s no time like the present to prepare. Ernestine thinks you need to relax more.” She was distracted by an iron gate that looked perfect in the garden. She smiled. “I never noticed that little gate before. It’s charming. Was that always here or did you find it somewhere else?”
    Chase tilted his head and said, “Yes.” When she looked confused, he added, “I found the gate here on the property and restored it myself.”
    Reggie sat on the bench beside him. He’d set their lunch on a napkin between them. Of course, Ernestine had been right. He’d brought her Belgian chocolate. She met his smile with her own when he placed the package in front of her.
    She breathed deeply and could swear she’d caught his scent much like a female animal does when seeking out her mate. It was a heady experience, and instead of trying to shake it off, she welcomed it, gave herself over to it. Once she’d stopped fighting the temptation, more sensations washed over her. She could feel his heart pound in his chest, and her breath caught as her own heart beat in rhythm with his. When their eyes locked, she could see the desire in his and wondered if he saw the same in hers.
    “Will you two kiss already?”
    The words were filled with petulance. Reggie snapped her head around to see who spoke to them so sharply.
    There was no one there.

Chapter 5
    “Did you hear that?” Reggie asked Chase.
    “Uh huh,” he said, while turning his head and searching for the source of the impatient voice.
    Reggie sighed. “Good, because I thought it was just me.”
    In unspoken agreement, they sat motionless listening intently. No one was there. They were alone in the garden. Finally, Chase stood up and began to look around. “Is someone there?” He called out with impatience. They were greeted with an odd sort of suspended silence. No birds chirped. No leaves rustled in the breeze. They exchanged a look of confusion.
    “Do you feel that?” Reggie asked him.
    “If you mean do I feel the bloody air thicken, then, yes, I damn well do. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear we were underwater, but I can still hear you.”
    “Me too. I can hear you speak, but everything else sounds muffled.”
    Chase continued to look around. In a loud voice, he said, “Okay, you’ve got our attention. Stop playing games.”
    There was no response, and Chase shrugged. “You try.”
    Taking a deep breath and relishing the subtle rush the altered air induced, she said, “Is there someone here? Please, do something. Give us a sign.” She treated Chase to her best it’s-worth-a-try look.
    “Is that the best you can do?” the voice said. Chase nodded to her indicating that he heard the voice, too. “No wonder it took me so long to connect. You lack imagination.”
    The voice hit a sore spot. Now Reggie was irritated too. “And just who are

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