(SPECTR 1) Hunter of Demons
have been able to do something before Caleb ended up possessed.
    “Wrong. She did file a report.” Kaniyar’s gaze was cold and sharp as a knife. “The second someone in SPECTR reviewed the footage, it should have been priority flagged and sent straight to my desk. Even if the video wasn’t reviewed properly, the report should have gone to you. Instead, it disappeared.”
    Okay, yes, he was pissed things had gotten mishandled. Caleb’s life was on the line here, and it wouldn’t have been if everything had gone according to procedure. But to suggest someone had deliberately suppressed it was beyond the pale. “I’m not sure what you’re saying, chief.”
    “Don’t play coy with me, Starkweather. You know damn well what I’m saying. There should have been some trace, some point where the ball was dropped. There isn’t, which tells me someone is covering their tracks. I need time to look into this. For the next few days, I don’t want the drakul anywhere near HQ.”
    He didn’t believe it. No one inside SPECTR would deliberately sabotage an investigation. Let people say what they would about governmental incompetence, but the paranormal programs were the real deal. They were all about helping people, paranormally-abled and norm alike.
    “These people Mr. Jansen came with—what happened to them?” he asked slowly.
    Kaniyar frowned out into the barren yard. “They disappeared. We’ve got an alert out to every local hospital, asking them to report anyone admitted with bite marks. Nothing has turned up yet. I sent agents around to Melanie Jansen’s apartment, but no one was home.”
    “What about the others?”
    “Mr. Jansen claims he didn’t know them; they were supposedly all friends of his sister-in-law and brother. Says he doesn’t know how they tracked the NHE here. According to Pittman, Mr. Jansen isn’t lying, but there’s something he isn’t telling us. It will give you something to talk about over dinner.”
    John wished he had even a touch of precognition to tell him what to do. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he glanced through the uneven doorway. He could just make out Caleb sitting in the chalk circle, his arms locked around his bony legs, chin resting on his knees, brown eyes blazing with anger and frustration.
    Ben’s death had been his case. True, he was sure he’d done everything he could…but still. If he’d solved the murder, none of this would have happened.
    “One more thing,” Kaniyar added. “It seems Mr. Jansen is an unregistered paranormal.”
    “At least something good will come of this, then,” John said, although it only made him feel a little better. Poor Caleb: his parents had probably listened to all the misinformation about SPECTR, or else were anti-government types, and kept their son away from the help he needed. No wonder he’d glared and snarked. “What’s his talent?”
    “Agent Pittman didn’t continue the line of questioning, considering the urgency of other matters,” she said dryly. “I think we can rule out pyrokinesis, at least—that one tends to give itself away no matter what people do to hide it. The point is, he already has more than the usual distrust of the government. Things will go much more smoothly if we can get him to cooperate with us instead of with the NHE.”
    If Caleb believed SPECTR meant him harm, would he give into Gray just to save himself? Kaniyar was right; this was going to be hard enough with Caleb an unwilling host.
    Of course, it wouldn’t be any easier if Gray decided to suck out John’s blood in the middle of the night.
    “Well, Starkweather?” Kaniyar asked, arching a brow. “Can you handle this assignment?”
    He took a centering breath and let it out slowly. Ben Jansen was his case. His case, his responsibility.
    “Yes, ma’am. I’m up for it.”
    “Excellent.” She paused, then added, “By the way, all of this is classified as of this moment. No discussing it with anyone who wasn’t actually present

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