Spearwood Academy Volume Two (The Spearwood Academy Book 2)

Read Spearwood Academy Volume Two (The Spearwood Academy Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Spearwood Academy Volume Two (The Spearwood Academy Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: A.S. Oren
touch me. “So I’m an object for you to obtain? How romantic,” the
sarcasm thick in my voice.
don’t think of you that way anymore.”
pick at my sandwich, tearing it apart. “Why am I a rarity? Why am I the only
girl here? The genetic probability of no females at all being born for decades,
within a group of people that have diverse genetic backgrounds, is nearly
impossible.” When I brought up this subject with the guys, it didn’t really
seem like they knew the answer. The look Paden is giving me, he knows the
answer, and it makes him uncomfortable.
speak your mind a lot,” says Magnus, it’s the first thing he has said, since we
sat down.
I’ve been told.” Obviously the mothers of the boys here don’t speak out. My
candidness shocks them all.
don’t talk about such matters,” says Paden.
it’s forbidden.”
What’s going to happen? From what I understand, you Royals are top of the food
chain. What could anyone possibly do to you for telling me the truth?”
worse than what the Normals get, when they are Outcasted ,” says Maverick.
what I know about the Outcasts, they’re removed from the families and stripped
of their powers. “What could be worse than that?”
says Jacob, giving me a stare with his amber eyes
who is above the Royals?” I ask.
Governors and the Ancients. We may be the grand children of the last living
Ancients, but we only have say over specific people,” says Paden.
Mr. Perlow?”
one of them. How did you know?”
roll my eyes. “The way you talked to him the other night, when you gave me this
necklace.” I pull the crystal out from underneath the dress. It hangs heavy
against my chest.
you like it?” he asks. The excitement practically drips off him.
guess. It does the one thing for me that I’ve wanted all my life.”
makes me so happy to hear. I’m glad I could give you something that you like.”
cock my head to the side. “You didn’t give it to me though, Hansen did.” I
point my thumb toward Maverick. It’s the truth, Paden wasn’t the one to
physically give me the necklace.
frowns at Maverick. “I was the one that ordered him to get it and give it to
how romantic of you. I suppose I should be swooning at the thought that you
ordered someone else to do the dirty work? Right.” A thought hits me about
yesterday. “Were you also the one to lock me in that cave?”
eyes go wide. “No. I wasn’t the one that did that to you, my love. I wouldn’t
have ever done that to you.”
who did order it?”
shakes his head. “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you.”
    I sigh.
“Of course you can’t. Every time I take one step forward, I’m forced back
forcefully takes my hand. When I try to pull away, he holds on tighter. ‘ I’m
sorry, my love. I would tell you, but they are watching. Even through
communication like this, it could be dangerous revealing the truth.’ I hear
his voice inside my head. Just like the way the Ancient had spoken to me back
in that classroom.
swallow hard. The Watchers even watch the Royals? I nod, not knowing what else
to do.
releases his death grip on my hand, but keeps touching. His thumb moves in
circles over my skin. A calm rushes through me.
you please enjoy this meal now?” he asks, as he let’s go of my hand.
nod. I look behind me, Kearn stands a few feet away.  I can’t decipher the
emotion in his bicolored eyes. He gives me a bow with his head. I’m so confused
about what I should be feeling when it comes to him.

The Walk
    A clock off in the distance chimes the hour, signaling
the end of lunch. I look around the table. Magnus and Jacob are still silent.
Only having said a hand full of words while we ate. Paden and Maverick talked
the most.
really need to be getting back to the

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