[Southern Arcana 2.0] Crossroads

Read [Southern Arcana 2.0] Crossroads for Free Online

Book: Read [Southern Arcana 2.0] Crossroads for Free Online
Authors: Moira Rogers
Tags: paranormal romance
gaze and straightened his shoulders. “Mahalia Tate helped us. But I think the Alpha knew.
    He must have let us get away.”
    “Doesn’t matter if Mahalia scrambled their trail or hid them, the Conclave’ll come here first.” Alec’s voice was quiet and almost gentle, which was a surer sign of trouble than anything.
    “They’d be stupid to think otherwise.” Nick sighed.
    “We didn’t have anywhere else to go,” Aaron whispered.
    She snorted in disbelief. “If you’d taken my pregnant sister anywhere else, I’d have hunted you down myself.”
    Alec shot her a quelling look before sinking into the chair across from Aaron. “Okay, we don’t have time to be nice and prissy about this. How long have the two of you been having sex, and how long has she been pregnant?”
    The tops of Aaron’s ears colored, but he met Alec’s gaze squarely. “A few weeks. We didn’t know she was pregnant until the Conclave brought in the midwife.”
    Nick filled the coffee carafe with water and threw a filter into the machine. “She thought the sex neutralized her magic.”
    “Yes,” Aaron admitted.
    “That bullshit myth?” Alec rolled his eyes. “Sacred virginity, my ass.”
    “She didn’t lose her magic,” Nick told Alec as she scooped coffee into the coffee maker. “She just lost control of it.” Which is worse, damn it.
    “Well, I wouldn’t know this if I didn’t work with Jackson, but that’s not uncommon.” Alec tilted his chair back, balancing on two legs. “It’s a self-defense thing for the baby, I think. We’ll have to ask him to know for sure, or—hell, Mahalia, if we can call her. Guess I never thought about it applying to Michelle, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t.”
    “They’re going to want me back,” Aaron reminded them quietly.
    Nick pressed her hands to the counter to hide their shaking. “Doesn’t mean they’re going to get it.” The legs of Alec’s chair hit the floor with a solid thump, and he leaned forward. “You need to snap out of it, boy. Michelle needs you, so keeping you safe is up near the top of our list. If you’ve got any dumb ideas about guilt or, God forbid, self-sacrifice, I’ll kick your ass all over this room.” Defiance flared in Aaron’s eyes. “I didn’t get to where I am by being weak or stupid. But if working for the Conclave has taught me anything, it’s that they don’t give up.”
    “No, they don’t. So first thing tomorrow you’re packing up your girl and taking her to my safe house.
    Thing’s warded to hell and back, and I doubt the Conclave would have anything to do with the sort of spell caster who could break in there.”

    Of course they wouldn’t, because they would have killed that spell caster a long time ago. “As soon as you and Michelle are safe, I’ll see what I can do about damage control. Daddy may not be able to do anything officially, but he’s not going to let the board hunt you down, Aaron. No way.” He nodded slowly, then stood. “I’m going to check on Michelle.” Nick laid her hand on his arm and tried to smile. “We’ll work it out. We always do.” He made his way down the hall slowly, moving as if the weight of the world was bearing down on him. Nick had to press the heels of her hands to her eyes for a moment before she could speak. “This, Alec.
    This kind of shit is why every wolf with half a brain is jumping ship.”
    “Yeah.” Alec stretched his legs out in front of him, crossing them at the ankles. “What do you want to bet my dad’s already called my place?”
    “Oh, he’d love for you to be the one to turn in the fugitives.” Nick made a face as she grabbed two mugs from the drain rack and rinsed them.
    “Well, I hope he has fun when I’m the one to make sure no one finds them.”
    “Mmm.” She poured two cups of coffee and handed one to Alec. The tension inside her had built to the breaking point, but the mindless, rote tasks she’d undertaken

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