
Read Souljacker for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Souljacker for Free Online
Authors: Kodilynn Calhoun
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Magic, War, cyborg, Unseelie, Faerie, shape shifter, robot
with? We could make it a girls’ day out.”
    “Isn’t today a girls’ day out?”
    “We can never have too many days out!” She
finishes off her plate and stacks it on top of mine. I gulp the
rest of my cola and she sets her lemonade aside, deeming it too
sour even with four packets of sugar.
    I glance up at the clock. We’ve been here a
lot longer than I’d expected. “I’d better go. Mr. Rockwell will
have a fit if I don’t get home before three.”
    “Cool. I’ll talk to my mom about the whole
hair thing. See you at school?”
    “Yep.” I plop Sync back into my bag and give
a little wave, my heart floating in my chest as I walk out the
door. She wants to go out again. With me. AKA: She doesn’t think
I’m a freak, or else this is some huge elaborate plan to show the
world what I truly am. From Caddie? It’s hard to believe.
    My tablet beeps in my bag and I dig it out to
find Mr. Rockwell’s sent me the list of groceries in its entirety.
And it’s a huge list. I groan loudly and resist the urge to chuck
    “Issues?” That smooth voice ripples through
me and I jerk my head up, meeting Iofiel’s stare. He’s leaning
against the plate glass window of a large clothing shop, a smile
playing on his lips. My heart picks up speed as I memorize the
shape of his lips, imagining what they would feel like on mine
and—no. I look at him, sliding my tablet back into my bag.
    I slowly shake my head. “No. I just don’t
wanna go shopping.”
    The corner of his lips quirk into a
knee-quivering grin. “Well what if you had a little eye candy to
tag along and help you?” He winks and I suppress another groan.
Instead, I roll my eyes.
    “I don’t see any eye candy around here.
Sorry, pal.”
    “Lucy, Lucy. Hasn’t anyone ever told you not
to judge a book by its cover?”
    “You’re pretty vain for someone with one
    “So that’s a yes?”
    I can’t help my grin. “Hurry up. I don’t
wanna get my ass chewed.”
    “Aye, captain.”

Chapter 7:

    “Give me the cart. You take the list,” I say,
unhooking one of the hover carts from the row at the front of the
store. It hums softly under my fingers, floating along in front of
me. Lucy makes a face and pulls out her tablet, tapping it to turn
it into a checklist. “Alright. We need the necessities. Milk,
bread, yada yada. Along with all this other shit he added.”
    “He?” I tip my head.
    She wrinkles her nose. “Daddy Dearest…”
    “Ah, fathers can be like that. Mine’s a hard
    “Mine’s not blood, thank God. He’s my foster
    I glance to her, a little surprised that
she’s admitting this to me. “I didn’t know you were in foster
    “It doesn’t really matter. Don’t worry about
    “If it makes you feel any better, I don’t
know my blood parents.” Probably due to the fact that I was a
test-tube baby, raised by Nursemaids and then handed over to a Pack
of cyberhounds. Surely they used DNA from somewhere, but I don’t
know who it was from. Lylan’s not my real father; that’s laugh
    “You’re a foster kid?”
    “Kinda? I live with a group of guys, but
we’re pretty tight-knit. They’ve been my family since I was a baby,
so…” I shrug and trail off, then flash a grin. “I love them.
They’re my family.”
    “Lucky boy,” she says, unable to hide her
smile, but her eyes cloud over. “My mom died when I was five. I’ve
been in the system ever since, tossed from foster home to foster
home. I thought I found my forever family once, but…” She shakes
her head. “Life doesn’t work like that.”
    “I’m sorry,” I say, and I mean it. I want to
reach out and take her hand, lay a kiss across her knuckles, twine
our fingers together, but I know it’d just scare her off. Slow
and steady wins the race, Io, I tell myself.
    “It doesn’t matter. One more year and I’m out
of here. I’ll be my own woman, pave my own path.” She grins, but it
looks almost wounded

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