Sooner or Later

Read Sooner or Later for Free Online

Book: Read Sooner or Later for Free Online
Authors: Debbie Macomber
hadn’t. Even knowing what she did, Letty had closed her eyes and found a strange comfort and security in this mercenary’s arms.
    Before the herbs had taken effect, Murphy had mumbled that it wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Once, he’d claimed it shouldn’t be this good. The irony of the situation was that he’d voiced her own thoughts.
    She felt that the kisses and the foreplay were something she’d need to endure in order for him to help her find Luke. The last thing she’d anticipated was pleasure. Her body had turned traitor on her. The warm sensation that had stolen over her had come as an unwelcome, unwanted surprise. Murphy was right, it shouldn’t have been that good.
    “What the hell happened?” he muttered from the other side of the bed.
    “What do you mean?” she asked primly, fearing he’d guessed what she’d done.
    He sat up and rubbed his face as if scrubbing awake his sleep-clogged mind. Letty was grateful to be completely dressed. She didn’t trust him not to touch her again. Worse, she couldn’t trust herself not to respond.
    “Last night,” he elaborated sourly.
    “You know darn good and well what happened.”
    He glared at her, silent and knowing, as if reading her soul. Letty tensed, afraid he’d discovered the truth. The muscles along her shoulder blades tightened painfully.
    Then he asked, “Did we…you know?”
    It demanded every ounce of strength she possessed to look away. “I’d rather we didn’t discuss last night.”
    “Like hell,” he shouted, and then grimaced at the harsh sound of his own voice. “Just how much did I have to drink?” He reached for the wine bottle, and his brow folded into thick, irregular lines. “There was only this one bottle, wasn’t there?”
    “Our flight is scheduled to leave in four hours. I suggest we head for the airport as soon as you’re dressed.”
    Her bags were already packed. She’d carefully considered each item. She had one suitcase, which she planned to leave in Hojancha, the country directly north of Zarcero. All she’d take into the country itself was a backpack. If they found Luke at the mission, they could be in and out in less than twenty-four hours. But if they had to break him out of some hell-hole jail, it would take longer. How much longer, she didn’t know.
    “You’re not going with me,” Murphy announced coldly.
    “Oh no, you don’t,” she said, furious that he would try to change their plans now. “We have a deal, one for which I’ve paid dearly. You can’t modify the agreement now.”
    Despite his nakedness, he threw aside the sheets.
    Letty’s eyes widened at the sight of the hard muscles of his chest, his lean hips and powerful thighs.
    He bore countless scars on his shoulders and stomach. The worst disfigurement was on his left shoulder and looked to have been a bullet wound. She battled back the tenderness that came over her at the sight of his scars. He wasn’t the type of man who would appreciate her sympathy.
    In him she viewed both strength and beauty. Lettywas mesmerized and embarrassed. She could feel the color creep up her neck and bleed into her cheeks.
    Murphy chuckled and appeared to enjoy her discomfort. “Come now, don’t you think it’s a bit late for the outraged virgin bit? You’ve seen it all before.” He reached for his pants, and his dog tags jingled as he dressed without displaying any uneasiness.
    “I’m going with you.” She wouldn’t take no for an answer. Not when she’d come this far. Luke needed her, and despite what Murphy might think, so did he. In the last two years Letty had been to Zarcero three times. In addition, she was fluent in Spanish. She knew the country and was familiar with the cities and some roads. There were people she knew whom she could trust. Friends who would tell her about Luke, who would help her locate her brother.
    “I agreed to find your precious brother for you, and I will,” Murphy muttered testily. “I’ll keep my word, but

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