Sons of Lyra: Slave Princess

    “ I won’t do
that. A few more minutes and the coordinates will be set and we’ll
be able to lose them when we go into sub-space.” He placed his hand
over hers.

    She looked down at it, her
expression blank, and then looked back into his eyes.

    “ My family
destroyed your world,” he said. “I have to repay that debt and
protect you.”

    Her eyes widened into a
stunned look. “You’re not going to ditch me?”

    “ No.” He shook
his head again. The plan to ditch her had been ridiculous even
before the Minervan had shown up, a ploy to get her out of his
sight and his thoughts. Now it was insane. He couldn’t set her down
anywhere. He had to protect her. “I will take you to Lyra Prime and
my parents... and I will speak to them.”

    Her eyes widened further
when another blast rocked the ship. There was genuine fear in their
green depths. He curled his fingers around hers and held her hand.
With his other hand, he pressed the button on the wristband he

    “ Captain to the
bridge. How are we doing with those coordinates? It’s getting bumpy
back here.” His eyes never left hers. He squeezed her hand, hoping
to reassure her that everything was going to be alright.

    She swallowed and screwed
her eyes shut when the ship shook. There was a high whine and the
front cannons fired. At least his crew had found the good sense to
retaliate while they waited. He was going to have to have words
when all this was over.

    Another blast hit the ship
and the woman was in his arms, curled up with her head against his
chest. He’d never met a woman so changeable in all his life. He
released her hand and wrapped his arm around her, unable to resist
this chance to touch her again.

    “ Ready now.”
Came the reply from the bridge.

    He closed his eyes, rested
his chin on top of her head, and held onto her tightly as the ship
jerked and the sub-space engines kicked in. His head spun and his
stomach turned. It was never pleasant making the transition between
space and sub-space.

    “ What was
that?” she said, still buried in his arms.

    He knelt beside her and
peeled her off him. Dipping his head, he looked up into her eyes.
They searched his, pleading him to reassure her. He smiled and
brushed the hair from her face. She really was beautiful, and that
kiss had been electric. It had made him realise just how much he
wanted her.

    “ Just the
engines making the switch. We’ll be approaching the Lyra system
before two days have passed.”

    She uncurled and looked
around her. Her gaze settled on the windows. He looked there, at
the lights streaming past in a constant blurred line. When he went
to look back at her, she was on her feet and moving past him. His
eyes followed her as she walked towards the windows. He wondered if
she’d ever travelled through sub-space. Not many ships had
technology capable of it.

    “ What’s your
name?” she said and looked over her shoulder at him. A smile graced
her lips and her cheeks coloured. Was she embarrassed to ask? She
hadn’t blushed when she’d kissed him.

    “ Captain Lyra
II.” He couldn’t help teasing her, knowing that she already knew
his title. He smiled too. “Balt.”

    “ Balt?” she
said and he nodded. “I’m Kayla.”

    Kayla. A beautiful name
for a beautiful woman. He remained kneeling on the floor, staring
up at her, not afraid of the comfortable silence between them.
Looking at her now, he couldn’t believe that he’d thought she’d
been out to kill him. There was so much desire in her eyes, so much
honesty in them too.

    She walked slowly back
towards him and sat on the end of the bed near him. He turned so he
was facing her but remained on the floor at her feet.

    The last of Terran

    She was beautiful enough
to be a princess. She was more beautiful than any princess he’d

    “ Balt?” Kayla
said, slightly unnerved by his staring at her with such fire in his
eyes. What was he thinking in there? She wanted to ask him but

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