She gives a laugh. “A better question might be who the hell are you ? And what are you doing here?”
Of course he doesn’t answer her.
They’re sitting close to each other in the back of the cab, but she’s careful not to let any part of her body touch his. It’s not easy either. To her annoyance, her physical attraction to him is so strong it’s like fighting gravity.
The car radio plays bouncy Europop as they continue to drive through the city. The driver is talking to someone in German using the cab’s Bluetooth.
Her eyes go back to Giovanni. “You know, in this light, you almost look Italian.”
“I appreciate that.” He seems mildly amused, but when he turns to her, his expression changes. “You’re beautiful,” he says, studying her. “And it’s not just the light.”
“Thanks,” she murmurs but doesn’t say anything more, just turns to watch the traffic outside.
“Why is it every time I tell you you’re beautiful, you act insulted?”
“That’s ridiculous. I’m not insulted.”
He considers her, nodding slowly. “I get it now. You must hear it a lot.”
“I suppose.” She shrugs. It’s not even vanity. The fact is most guys find her attractive. It’s always been like this. Men focus on her appearance, and nothing more.
“Get over yourself, Lindsay. You’re not that beautiful.”
“I’m not?”
“Remember who you’re talking to here.” His eyes roam her face, examining her, before he nods. “You could be improved upon.”
She blinks in amazement. “Wow, you’re a serious asshole. And I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s something that can ever be improved upon.”
“Maybe so, but at least I’ve given you a real reason to be insulted.”
She crosses her legs away from him. “If you’re trying to get me into bed again, you’re sure going about it the wrong way. This is like the worst seduction ever.”
He snickers.
“I could write a book about how bad this seduction is.”
“I’m not trying to seduce you. I already told you I didn’t come here to sleep with you again.”
“Then why are you hanging around?”
He doesn’t say anything.
“You came all the way to Berlin to tell me how ugly I am?”
Giovanni gives a weary laugh and rubs his forehead. “God, what am I going to do with you?”
As he’s saying this, the cab slows down and she sees they’re pulling up in front of what must be his hotel. Everything’s lit up, and there are more taxis and people waiting out front. It’s the middle of the night, but Berlin is the city that never sleeps, which suits Lindsay just fine.
The cab driver turns around to tell them the meter amount and Giovanni digs his wallet out.
“I’m going back to my studio now,” she informs him. “I’ll pay my own cab fare.”
He hands the cab driver a credit card. “No, you’re coming inside with me.”
“I don’t think so.” She leans forward. “But the next time you talk to Anthony, would you mind not mentioning this evening to him, or at least not the part where I was playing poker?”
“It would be best all around.”
“We can talk about this more upstairs.” The cab driver hands the card back and Giovanni puts it in his wallet. He opens the car door to get out.
Lindsay doesn’t budge.
He leans in. “Look, if you want me to be an accomplice, I’m going to require an explanation.”
“There’s nothing to explain. And you’re not an accomplice.”
“It certainly sounds like I am. And unless you want me to call Anthony right now, I suggest you get out of this taxi.”
“Come on, Giovanni, don’t be an asshole.”
“I’m already an asshole, remember?”
Giovanni lets his eyes slide down the back of Lindsay’s black jeans, which are currently doing incredible things for her ass. He enjoys women—way more than he should—but has to admit Lindsay is in a class by herself.
“I can’t believe I’m in another swanky hotel with you.” She turns to him in
Flowers for Miss Pengelly