Some Like It Hotter (Sweet Life in Seattle #3)

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Book: Read Some Like It Hotter (Sweet Life in Seattle #3) for Free Online
Authors: Andrea Simonne
German, telling him about Lindsay’s productive night.
    “Good for you,” he says. “You must have a large bankroll now.”
    Lindsay doesn’t say anything. Werner is not her favorite person.
    “Oops, I have to go.” Dagmar is staring down at her phone. “My tournament is starting in a few minutes.” She’s only been playing poker about a year, but in the same way she’s helped Lindsay navigate her way around Berlin, Lindsay has been helping her improve her game. Dagmar comes from a wealthy family though and plays poker mostly for fun. She leans in to kiss Werner good-bye and then turns back to Lindsay. “I’ll call you tomorrow and we can go over our hands.”
    “Sounds good. I should get going now too.”
    “No! You and the doctor must stay and have a drink with Werner,” Dagmar says. “Get to know each other better.”
    Once she’s gone, Lindsay already sees the shift in Werner, who always acts like a gentleman in front of Dagmar, but is actually a total sleaze. She knows he’s using Dagmar but is unable to convince her friend otherwise. For the life of her, Lindsay can’t figure out what she sees in him to begin with since he literally looks like a rat. He’s perpetually pale and sweaty, and has this strange haircut that’s long and thin in back, yet short and spiky on top. Plus, he wears dark eyeliner, which he apparently thinks makes him look tough.
    “So how much money did you earn tonight?” Werner asks, picking up his drink as his rat eyes flicker over her.
    “Like I said, I did all right.”
    “How much?”
    He smirks. “Don’t be shy. You can tell me. We are all friends here. Is it more than you would earn out in the back alley giving blow jobs?”
    She feels Giovanni stiffen beside her and wishes she had a drink she could throw at Werner. “Fuck off.”
    He laughs as if this is the funniest joke in the world. “Something tells me you would make more money with the blow jobs!”
    “You’re a disgusting maggot.”
    “Hey, I’ll be your first customer!”
    Suddenly, Giovanni slams his fist onto the table, startling her, and making Werner jump. “What in the hell is wrong with you?”
    The rat blinks but doesn’t say anything as he stares at Giovanni with wide eyes.
    “I’m not going to listen to you speak to her that way. You need to apologize!”
    Lindsay’s brows go up, and she enjoys watching the rat squirm with distress. His eyes flash over to her. He hesitates, but then finally says, “I am sorry if I offended you.”
    “You’re goddamn right it’s offensive,” Giovanni growls. “And it better not happen again.” He turns to Lindsay. “Let’s get out of here. I’ve had enough of this place.”
    They exit the casino into the warm night. Like always, there’s a long row of shiny Mercedes taxicabs lined up in front. Unlike a typical cab back in the States, the ones in Berlin are clean and comfortable inside.
    She follows Giovanni to a brown Mercedes still thinking about the way he ripped into Werner. What a wonderful display. The driver holds the door open for them so they can both climb into the back. Lindsay figures they’ll drop her off first, but when the driver asks where they’re going, Giovanni tells him, “The Regent.”
    “What? I appreciate what you did back there, but I’m not going to your hotel with you.”
    “Yes, you are.” He leans back in the seat as the cab starts moving and closes his eyes for a moment. “And don’t bother arguing. I don’t want to listen to it right now.”
    She bites her lip. She still has to make sure he doesn’t tell Anthony about her playing poker tonight. “Listen, how often do you talk to your brother?”
    “You need to get some new friends,” he says, ignoring her question. “That guy is a serious douche bag.”
    “Are you kidding? That piece of rat shit isn’t my friend!”
    “Not to mention the other one I had to punch earlier. Who the hell are these strange people you’ve hooked up

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