her eyes that sent chills down her spine. Her eyes were dead and empty. There was no sign of life left in them. The rows of bassinets that filled the sterile white room haunted her. The woman didn’t move at all when Moira peered in over the rim of the bassinet at her. It was as if she hadn’t even sensed she was there. It was beyond creepy, it was downright eerie. Abby must have known about the rooms upstairs and what was going on, by her reaction when Moira came back downstairs. Moira wondered why she had never said anything to her about it to her. She was angry at first at Abby for not letting her know, but then she realized that she probably was trying to protect her in some strange way.
“ Baby girl, don’t cry daddy will clean you all up. Honey, accidents can happen all the time. Especially around here.”
Those words and d addy Joe’s voice quickly snapped Moira out of her thoughts and brought her back into reality. Accidents can happen all the time, what did he mean by that? Again it wasn’t the words that he said but the way in which they sounded when they came out of his mouth. Was he trying to give her some kind of threat or was it just her imagination. Moira wondered, maybe she was just hearing it the wrong way or did he know that she knew what was going on upstairs? Actually she hadn’t even realized that she was crying or that she had peed on herself. The fear of daddy Joe and the possibility of ending up like all those women was definitely getting the best of her my mind and her bodily functions. She looked down, just noticing the puddle of urine surrounding her feet. Tears were flowing uncontrollably down her face and dripping one by one off her chin. She felt defeated, she felt her power draining from her body as each teardrop fell. Looking up at daddy Joe, and seeing what he had ultimately reduced her to, she felt a combination of anger, hatred, and self-pity surge through her body. Moira had never been one to feel sorry for herself and she wasn’t about to start now regardless of the situation. She was a Livingston damn it, and Livingston’s don’t cower and hide, they fight to the bitter end. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and stepped out of the puddle of urine. No she would not give up, she still had some fight left in her. She silently thought to herself, you will not control and manipulate my mind, you have not won yet. This game is still on, you crazy freak. She looked over at Abby who was staring at her through the rails of the crib and then she started walking towards daddy Joe, so he could clean her up.
Although daddy Joe had pretty much left the two of them alone for the rest of the afternoon, no words were spoken and no gestures were made between them. Moira was knee deep in survival thought, trying to figure out what could be done to save them from ending up like one of those women upstairs. Abby probably was quiet because she thought Moira was angry at her for not telling her about the room upstairs and what daddy Joe and Barbara had actually been up to. Moira was not mad now, although at first she was a little bit pissed off at Abby. In fact after calming down and thinking the situation through, Abby may have actually saved her life. If she had known what she knew now, Moira may have given up long ago or done something really stupid knowing her personality. She was still scared, but now she was too scared not to fight back for her life.
Sometime after lunch Moira finally relaxed enough to drift off to sleep. Only to be awaken by daddy Joe picking her up and carrying her up the stairs. Still somewhat groggy she remembered looking over at the baby bed only to see that Abby was not there, in fact Abby was nowhere in the room.
“Abby,” she grunted looking into daddy’s cold steel blue eyes. “Abby,” she grunted again.
He didn’t say anything in return. He just kept walking up the stairs concentrating on where he was stepping so as not to fall, especially