
Read Snatched for Free Online

Book: Read Snatched for Free Online
Authors: Ashley Hind
Tags: Erótica, Sex, Adult, sexy, BDSM, fetish, Erotic, Lesbian, fun, spank, kinky, HoE, House of Erotica, excite
her duties and Gwendolen had sharply reminded her who was in charge. Leah wanted to say something to May, to illicit some kind of response even if it was just a simple greeting, but she never got the chance. Gwendolen signalled that it was time for them to leave and the twins obediently filed out behind her, leaving Leah alone with the horses.
    It was around teatime before she received another visit, April alone this time, bringing a plate of fruit and a bag of crisps along with a jug of water and a fresh glass. The girl offered no words of solace, simply taking up the other tray and peering into the tin bucket, which Leah had been forced to use just once during the afternoon.
    ‘Try not to pee too much,’ she said coldly, ‘I’m buggered if I’m mucking you out all evening.’
    With that, she turned and left. Maybe an hour later, as Leah was dozing, she came to and found May silently standing over her, with arms full of papers and magazines. Her hair was down now and spread over her shoulders, giving her a softer look, although her brow was still slightly knotted in her concentrated observance. She spoke; the first time Leah had heard her voice, which thankfully was quieter and less clipped than her sister’s.
    ‘They got these out for you to read but they’re all old, so I put in a few of my books to read as well. I don’t know what type of books you like, so...’
    She set her pile down and Leah thanked her, sincerely. Then she turned and made to leave the stall. She was still in her black leggings and Leah caught her first real view of the shapely bottom within them; narrow-hipped but with a nice cute curve. Before May exited she looked back and must have caught Leah looking at her behind. She stopped, hesitated, gave a brief smile that vanished in an instant and then she too was gone. Before the door shut, Leah heard a click that sparked a weak bulb above her stall into life - not required now but certainly later, if she wanted to read.
    She put the papers and magazines to one side and looked at the choice of books. There was a Jane Austin and a couple of pulp romances, plus a few newer books with snazzy covers. One was bookmarked so she went straight for it. Reading the blurb and then digging in to the book itself, it seemed to centre on some kind of female equivalent of Indiana Jones; a swashbuckling adventurer on the trail of ancient artefacts. The more she read, the more it became obvious that the heroine was a lesbian, or at the very least partial to intimate female company. This set Leah’s heart racing. Was the younger girl gay? Was this the difference between her and her twin that the elder sister had so scornfully referred to? And why, unless of course she had taken a fancy to her captive, had May felt the need to impart the information?
    Digging into the book in earnest, Leah read as fast as possible, as if the text would somehow divulge the very nature of the girl who gave her the book. She stopped and opened the page that was bookmarked, hoping it might offer some further clue. It didn’t have to. The bookmark displayed a photo of a white diving board from above, stretching out over a turquoise blue pool. Lying on the board face down, completely naked, was the hour-glass figure of a beautifully tanned woman. Her right buttock was branded with the red lipstick mark of another girl’s kiss.
    Leah continued to read as the gloom descended outside and tried to bring an end to the most surreal day of her life. It seemed like eons since Gwendolen had come knocking on her door and taken her away by force. She had suffered all day from panic or uncertainty, from threats and humiliation. Now, while she tried to fight off sleep so that she could read just one more page, all she was trying to do was resist the temptation to masturbate with occasionally farting horses for company, her mind full of the visions of the girls in their tight riding outfits, and mostly of May, cuddling up to her on the makeshift bed

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