Smut in the City (Absolute Erotica)
her as he entered the lift. Clearly her body hadn’t received the ‘no glasses’ memo, and by the way her nipples had been pushing against the satin of her bra, they sure as hell hadn’t either.
    The announcement stating her train was entering the station snapped her out of her thoughts, and the cold draught that came through the black tunnel had her shivering. She wrapped her coat tighter around her body, mentally berating herself for not buying a larger size. Vanity had stopped her and now the one she owned barely fit across her large breasts. It confused her as to why women wanted boob jobs. Hers simply got in the way and stopped her wearing the tops she really wanted to.
    The teenage couple laughed loudly at the same time the Tube rushed out of the tunnel. It came to a screeching halt, the cold air whipping around her once again. Collecting her bag from the bench, she stood, waiting for the doors to slide open. Already she could see that the train was empty, leaving her with a dilemma. Did she really want to share a carriage with two lust-filled teenagers so that she wasn’t alone?
    Doubting she could sit and watch them getting more than she’d even read about in months, Caitlin allowed them to enter the train first. When they settled into their seats she continued past them into the next carriage.
    The stark, overhead lights flickered and an odd grinding sound had her wincing, but it stopped moments later.
    “Bloody universe is out to spook me,” she mumbled, taking a seat near a window. Tugging off her wet coat, she tried to get her now thumping heartbeat under control. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, checking the time and hoping that the train wouldn’t sit too long in the station. Not that she was getting home at any reasonable hour anyway.
    She scrolled through her emails, hoping she’d cleared enough of the urgent ones from her inbox before she’d left the office. She would probably have stayed a little longer at work but the lights had begun to randomly switch off, and at one point her computer had rebooted itself. It freaked her out, so she’d left fifteen minutes later. However, walking to the Tube station showed her it wasn’t only her office that was affected. Store front displays were blacked out one moment, then brightly lit the next, streetlights blinked on and off and there was a strange humming sound that came along with all of that.
    There was something weird happening in the city tonight and Caitlin didn’t like it. It was creepy.
    The train lurched forward, startling her because she wasn’t paying attention. She gasped, dropping her phone onto the dirty, metal floor.
    “Today just keeps getting better and better.”
    Leaning down, the tips of her fingers brushed against the keypad. At the same time, the train stalled, lifting her from her seat and launching her across the carriage until she fell onto all fours in the middle of the walkway. Her knees stung, the palms of her hands burned furiously. Tears automatically filled her eyes, blurring her vision. Caitlin didn’t need to look down at her legs to know her tights were shredded, the skin probably was too, and her skirt no doubt revealed far too much now.
    Lucky for her she was alone.
    “Are you okay?”
    Caitlin froze. The very male voice had to be imagined. There was no way it was real. She refused to believe she had been caught in such an embarrassing situation.
    Maybe he couldn’t actually see her? After all the train was dark and he’d certainly not been seated anywhere obvious because she’d totally missed him.
    “Excuse me, but are you all right?” the voice rumbled again, startling her, making her realise she’d been frozen on all fours for the last few moments.
    Possibly flashing her knickers.
    Hopefully they were a decent pair.
    Mortification burning her cheeks, she turned her head slightly and met the greenest eyes she’d ever seen. They were vibrant and lush - the exact shade freshly cut grass became after a

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