Slow Burn: A Zombie Novel
the seat, steering wheel and door.
    “ Can you hear me? Are you hurt?” Chris called to the man.
    The only response that Chris received was moaning from a man apparently in considerable pain. Due to the damage on the vehicle, Chris was unable to get the driver out on his own. Several attempts to open the door himself proved futile as he quickly broke a sweat trying to pull it open.
    Exasperated, Chris began to shout for the paramedics, but no one could hear him in all the commotion. He eventually gave up and ran down to grab the lone fireman who didn’t seem too busy at the moment.
    “ Hey, there’s a man stuck in a vehicle up on the side of the embankment!" Chris hollered, pointing up at the spot from which he’d just run.
    The fireman trotted up to where Chris pointed and began to say something on his fire radio. A few seconds later, several additional firemen and paramedics descended on the vehicle with extricating tools and equipment. Within minutes, the sound of the saws and hydraulic metal cutters was deafening. Trying to get onto his police radio to advise dispatch of life threatening injuries, Chris backed away from the running fire trucks and saw a state trooper heading his way.
    “ Hey there, Officer,” the trooper called to Chris. “Are you taking the report for this accident?”
    Chris stopped in his tracks and looked at the trooper in confusion, then looked at the several vehicles involved. He then followed the path of destruction with his eyes all the way up to the twisted guardrail of the interstate where State Police had jurisdiction and where this clusterfuck had clearly begun.
    Chris turned back to the trooper. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
    Starting to lose his cool as the trooper gave some lame ass excuse about having some disturbance calls in his district and that he needed to clear out, Chris threw his hands up in the air angrily.
    “ Fine, whatever! We’re busy as hell too, you know!" he was yelling now. "At least get the drivers and vehicle information from the victim the fire department is working on.”
    Not waiting for an answer, Chris stomped away from the lazy trooper, wanting to punch him out and wipe his ass with the trooper’s trademark hat.
    Chris walked back to his squad, cursing every step of the way about the trooper trying to pawn this mess off on him. Reaching his squad, he took a minute to cool off mentally by taking a few drinks from his water bottle while standing next to his open car door. His mind was racing, and the more he thought about it, the madder he got. Then a light went off in his head, and he turned back towards the accident.
    That’s it! he thought . I can’t take this report because it all started on the interstate. Where all the vehicles ended up is beside the point. And the highway is State Police jurisdiction.
    Unbeknownst to Chris, the trooper he was referring to had reached the mangled Ford Taurus just as the firemen freed the trapped occupant. While the paramedics attempted to stabilize the victim, his head snapped forward, locking his jaws onto the medic’s arm. The paramedic screamed as the trapped occupant’s jaw ripped back and forth and tore a mouthful of meat from his arm. The paramedic looked at his bleeding arm in stunned horror as another fireman attempted to immobilize the driver with a chokehold.
    “ Goddamn! Are you okay?” the fireman yelled out of breath. “This fucker is strong!”
    The driver tore himself free and sank his teeth into the bicep of the fireman who howled in pain while he tried unsuccessfully to free himself from the crazed man. The trooper, standing frozen in his tracks, looked on in shock. The injured driver, who should have been incapacitated from pain if not already dead from his clearly crushed lower body, hungrily tore back into the fireman’s arm while he screamed for help. The trooper pulled his Glock .40 and ordered the driver to stop. The fireman tried to stand up, tripped over a piece of the wreckage,

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