Slow and Easy:  Sensual Erotica Boxed Set
movement, his cock slid against her engorged g-spot. She loved that
sharply intense sensation. Trini moaned at the feeling of Simon’s
thumb against her clit. Her pussy clenched as the coil in her belly
tightened. Frenzied, she sat up, her hands on her own breasts now,
and went wild on Simon’s cock. His thumb flicked with increasing
    “ Come for me, Trini,” he
gruffly ordered.
    And she did. Wave after wave of rapturous
pleasure inundated her writhing body. Simon gripped her waist and
snapped his hips, pounding his cock into her soaking hole again and
again and again. With a strangled growl, he came, jerking once,
twice, and then holding perfectly still, his hips still elevated,
cock buried inside her.
    When he finally relaxed, Trini tumbled off
of him and rolled onto her back. No longer lust drunk, she felt the
burning ache on her kneecaps. Rug burns, she realized with a wince.
Well worth the price of such a torrid affair she reasoned. She
could only imagine how she must have looked at that moment, hair
wild, skin flushed. Thoroughly debauched, she supposed.
    Out of the corner of her eye, Trini noticed
Simon dealing with the aftermath of their copulation. She hoped
he’d get rid of it somewhere outside of the president’s office. No
doubt it would raise eyebrows if a condom was found in the old
curmudgeon’s trashcan.
    Simon climbed over Trini, pinning her to the
floor with his weight. He stared into her eyes, as if gauging her
response to him, to the scorching sex they’d just shared. Starting
at the tip of her nose, he kissed his way down her body, pausing at
her toes and working his way back up again. He pressed playful
kisses up her thighs and around her belly button. She toyed with
his hair as he placed his cheek to her tummy and wrapped his arms
around her waist. They stayed that way for a while, both enjoying
the gentle intimacy of the moment.
    Soon, reality struck. Simon helped her stand
and they went about the business of righting their clothing. Trini
pulled a pair of yoga shorts, a tee, and flip-flops from her
backpack and quickly dressed. She grabbed her gloves and mask from
the floor and stuffed them into her backpack. She glanced around in
search of her g-string but couldn’t find it. A movement caught her
attention. Simon had his back to her so he didn’t see her watching
him slip the g-string into his pocket. She shrugged and zipped up
her bag. If he wanted a keepsake, she wasn’t going to stop him.
    They stood awkwardly at the door. Crazy as
it sounded, Trini wasn’t one to indulge in one-night stands or
casual sex. Taking her clothes off for strangers was one thing.
Sleeping with them was quite another. Was that what this was? A
one-off? Or something else?
    “ So,” Simon said
    “ So,” Trini repeated
    “ I suppose I won’t see you
again until convocation.”
    Her chest constricted with disappointment.
“Probably not.”
    “ And after?”
Trini detected the hopefulness in his voice. She swallowed hard.
    “ Maybe you might like to
have dinner or something?”
    Excitement bubbled in the pit of her tummy.
“Dinner sounds nice—and something too.”
    Simon grinned, seemingly relieved. “Good.
Great.” He unlocked the door and poked his head out into the hall.
“Coast is clear. Let’s go.”
    They walked down the dark hall, hands and
arms bumping. Simon interlaced their hands. Trini marveled at the
absolute oddness of this night. She’d expected to go out with a
bang but this was just out of this world.
    “ You know I fancy a bit of
exhibitionism myself.”
Trini glanced up at Simon. “That so?”
    He nodded. “I’ve got this bay window at my
house that would make the perfect backdrop for a naughty little
shadow puppet show.”
    Trini’s belly clenched with excitement. “Oh
Simon squeezed her hand and waggled his eyebrows. “Consider it a
graduation gift.”
    Trini laughed. “Best graduation gift, like,

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